Keith Burton's photos

Hinton Ampner House and Gardens

08 Mar 2024 26 36 56
Hinton Ampner House and Gardens is a National Trust owned property near Winchester in Hampshire, about a 40 minute drive away. We took advantage of a rare sunny day to visit last week, but it was very disappointing. Nearly all the grounds were roped off because of the heavy rains and some of the house was closed due to conservation work. On the plus side we had a nice lunch in the café before driving home again. Better than sitting around indoors though :-)) A history of the place here if you are interested ;

Street Art.......Stickers. (+PiPs)

04 Mar 2024 24 23 75
A selection of stickers posted by numerous street artist from the Southsea and Portsmouth areas of Hampshire. Best viewed large for detail. Some of these are becoming highly collectable and are sold by the artists themselves. More stickers in the PiPs.

Dusk in my back garden

06 Mar 2024 20 26 62
The silhouetted branches of a tree just over my back fence, taken at dusk last week. Have a good new week everyone :-)

Behind the Bar

06 Mar 2024 28 42 73
In the Royal Oak pub, Langstone Harbour, Hampshire. Taken after our walk to the Mill Pond to feed the birds. We only had coffee and cake as I had to drive home afterwards............honestly!

Signs of Spring

06 Mar 2024 30 42 69
A Daffodil, Grape Hyacinth, and a Bee. I spotted these in someone's front garden whilst out for a walk last Thursday afternoon. Have a splendid weekend everyone!

Street Lamp

04 Mar 2024 21 26 65
On the sea front at Southsea, Hampshire. Grey skies, grey sea and freezing wind, but this street lamp caught my eye.

Lichen (+PiPs)

05 Mar 2024 24 36 81
It has been far too wet and windy lately to try macro photography outdoors, but I found this twig on the ground near my house and took it home to photograph. There are 3 more images in the PiPs if you want to have a look. All taken using an LED panel for lighting and a piece of green card as a background. My thanks to Günter Klaus for giving me the idea to take these photos after seeing his at:

Better Dead!

05 Mar 2024 24 34 78
I picked this one from my garden a while ago and I've been saving it until it got really grungy before I took a photo of it. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, but I'm guessing not everyone will like it! Taken indoors yesterday using a macro lens and an LED panel and a some black card as a background. In post production I darkened the background a little and added some dynamic contrast and a grunge filter to accentuate the detail. It was raining all day.........and this was a pleasant way to spend some time! Enjoy the rest of your week everyone.

Walrus...sort of! (+PiP)

04 Mar 2024 15 18 71
Taken yesterday in Southsea, Hampshire. This one is by the artist Sadie Were. Made as part of "Lady Jam" which was a gathering of female street artists a week or so ago. There is another piece in the PiP by the artist Roo Arbrook, also made as part of "Lady Jam", entitled Queen of Southsea. I have a few more to post in due course.


01 Nov 2023 31 41 72
I'm not certain, but I think this is Pampas Grass. I spotted it in a recreation ground adjacent to the River Tamar in Saltash, Cornwall. It's very impressive (and high). It was looking good in the November sunshine!

Portsmouth Skyline

16 Jan 2024 17 19 71
Viewed from Broadmarsh Coastal Park on a hazy morning in January. This was cropped to 16;9 format, so probably best viewed large!

"Back in a Mo"

01 Dec 2023 17 28 66
An unknown artist leaves his easel and painting with a note saying he will be "back in a mo"...............and a passer-by stops to examine the unfinished painting. Captured in Chichester, West Sussex back in December las year. Better viewed large.

The Wreck

23 Feb 2024 22 36 77
This a shot of the bow section of the wreck of a wooden boat that has been lying in Dell Quay, Hampshire for many years. I have taken quite a few photos of this wreck previously but have been unable to determine any history of it. Recently I discovered that it had been here since at least 1986 when it was being worked on by a local fisherman. He told people it was a working boat from the Netherlands and that he was going to renovate it. Sadly, it seems that didn't happen. It is moored near the boat yard, and seems to be fairly watertight, but no one knows who owns it or why it is still there. A proper mystery! Check out the links below for a couple of my earlier photos if you feel like it:

Spring Snowflakes (+PiP)

28 Feb 2024 26 42 70
I was stuck indoors most of yesterday waiting for our boiler to be be repaired, so I thought a bit of table top photography would pass the time. I decided to keep it simple, just a plain piece of card as a background, a nicely shaped vase and the flowers (actually from my garden this time) and plenty of negative space. Natural light from the window supplemented by an LED light panel. A portrait crop in the PiP if you fancy a look.

The lady in the Apothecary Shop

27 Feb 2024 22 36 92
This was taken in a small shopping arcade in Wickham, Hampshire. The lady had such a lovely smile and I liked the background as well, so I asked permission to take her photo......and she agreed. It was quite dark in the shop so I used f2.8 and upped the iso a little. In hindsight I should probably have used around f5.6 to get the writing on the bottles in focus, but I'm still pretty happy with how it came out. I've sent her a copy already, so I hope she likes it.

A Buoy from Dell Quay

23 Feb 2024 17 28 64
Another find in the small boatyard at Dell Quay, West Sussex.

Emsworth Harbour View

23 May 2023 18 28 69
Taken on a lovely warm, sunny day back in May last year!


23 Feb 2024 26 49 81
I spotted this bit of driftwood that someone had propped up against the sea wall in Dell Quay. I thought it had the most marvellous shapes and textures, so decided to grab a photo to share! I've added a couple of notes to indicate the shapes I see in the wood..!! Best viewed large for detail.

7196 items in total