Keith Burton's photos

One man and his dog.

12 Feb 2013 23 28 324
Looking back through some of my older photos, I realise that back when I left Flickr and transferred hundreds of photos to Ipernity like many others, people simply did have the time or inclination to trawl through them all. Additionally, when I first came to Ipernity, I had very few contacts. Consequently some of the photos have had very few, or no views at all. I've decided that now and then, I'm going to resurrect one and re-post it, just for fun. This one was originally posted in February 2013. Taken in Lewes, West Sussex.

Poppy in the Sunshine

15 Jun 2022 12 18 81
This was taken back in I thought it was about time I shared it. I particularly liked the way the sun was making the petals translucent. Hope you like it too.


10 Oct 2022 18 23 83
Taken in my garden. I find myself wondering what the apple on the left said to the apple on the right to make it blush.......but I'll never know because I ate the apple on the left after I took this photo and I ate the other one yesterday :-)))

Gold and Green

10 Oct 2022 20 30 87
Taken from my back garden. Early autumn colour from the Linden trees which are on council owned land on the other side of my back fence. They look very nice, but hundreds of the leaves and seed pods will end up in my garden! A slightly wider view in the PiP if you can be bothered.

Spider's Web

10 Oct 2022 24 28 93
Spotted this in my garden yesterday evening. The web has been made between a pair of plant support poles. No sign of the spider though, but I reckon it must be a beginner at spinning a web..........or maybe it was drunk or on drugs :-))) Please view large for best effect. Thanks for looking.

Pink R0ses

29 Jun 2022 25 30 99
Taken quite a while ago in a neighbour's garden.

Bosham, West Sussex

02 Oct 2022 21 37 93
Another one of Bosham I'm afraid...............I've not been out very much lately. Taken looking across the harbour at low tide. Best viewed large. Thanks for looking and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Bosham, West Sussex

02 Oct 2022 16 23 88
A view across Bosham Harbour at low tide..........the place where I was standing is inaccessible during high tide unless you have a boat! This shows some of the houses perched up above the high water level. I'd love to live somewhere like this, but unless I win the lottery................... Please view large, if you have time. Thank you.

Conkers (Horse Chestnuts)

06 Oct 2022 32 36 132
Tabletop photography. I spotted these conkers in my local park and after fighting off a bunch of schoolboys who were also trying to collect them, I took them home to photograph :-) PiP 1......Several more conkers. PiP2......If you know, you know :-) Thanks for looking.

Tree Stump

28 Sep 2022 19 32 96
I spotted this at the edge of a field near Rowlands Castle, Hampshire where I had parked up to take some photos,. It looks as if it's been there for a while and I thought the cut surface made an interesting natural abstract. Best seen large on black, if you have time.

Prinsted Bay

16 Sep 2022 14 20 86
The view from Prinsted Bay, West Sussex.......looking out over Chichester Harbour. In the PiP is the view from the sea wall (on the right) looking back towards the land around Prinsted village. Best viewed large, I think.

Sycamore Leaf

01 Oct 2022 20 28 101
Tabletop photography. I found this leaf on my lawn last Friday after some heavy winds..........and I thought it deserved to have it's portrait taken :-) Photographed using a cheap LED light panel as background. I'm starting to get in the autumn mood, so this will also do for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group theme of that name (and it also fits in previous challenges: Leaves, Autumn Leaves) Best viewed large on black if you have time. Thanks for looking!

Black-eyed Susan

30 Sep 2022 16 22 81
There are still quite a few flowers surviving in the Bishop's Palace Gardens in Chichester, West Sussex...........probably because the gardens are inside the city walls and very sheltered.

Rusty Screws

01 Oct 2022 15 23 97
Tabletop photography. Taken for theMacro Dreams ✨ challenges group - Rusty. Also fits the following challenges: Multiple, metal, lines, stripes and ridges.

Robot with Bar Code

30 Sep 2022 19 19 76
Some of you may remember the photo in the PiP. This piece of artwork is from the same café in Chichester, West Sussex. This time however, I've taken the opportunity to change the look into this split-colour effect. I hope you like it. Have a lovely Sunday!

Mystery Tour Landscape

28 Sep 2022 16 26 66
A stop by the roadside whilst on one of my famous "mystery tours", next to a recently harvested field near Walderton, West Sussex. Have a good weekend everyone :-)


29 Sep 2022 22 27 115
Tabletop photography. These would normally be worn with a steampunk type outfit, round the base of a top hat, just above the rim. I found these in a charity shop, they are actually made of plastic, with a horrible faux-gold colour........but by converting to black and white I was able to give them a more metallic look.

Racton Monument

28 Sep 2022 20 28 74
Looking across the fields to this old folly in West Sussex. I've photographed this many times over the years, but it's nearly always possible to find a different perspective or a change in the surrounding countryside, depending on the crops and time of the year. Anyone who is interested can check this place out on the following Wikipedia link: Please have a look large, on black. Thanks for looking :-)

7211 items in total