Keith Burton's photos

Daffodil.......up close and personal!

28 Mar 2012 1 224
Everyone else seemed to be doing these, so I thought I'd have a go!

New growth

Spider 1

26 Mar 2012 2 4 179
Had a quick half hour in the back garden this evening with the macro lens. Not much about really except this rather large spider and some ladybirds. It's been a while, so will need lots more practice and I need to sort my lighting out as it's still too harsh.

Spider 2

Ladybird 1

Ladybird 2

Hayling sunset 2

Hayling sunset 3

24 Mar 2012 106
The best of a pretty ordinary set, I think!

Taking a break......

22 Mar 2012 159
Leigh Park Gardens (or to give it it's "posh" name: Staunton Country Park).

Vanishing point

22 Mar 2012 90
Leigh Park Gardens (or to give it it's "posh" name: Staunton Country Park).

Underneath the arches

22 Mar 2012 111
Leigh Park Gardens (or to give it it's "posh" name: Staunton Country Park).

Bedhampton Quay.

21 Mar 2012 150
I've shot this place several particular reason, other than I like it. When there is no wind you can get some superb reflections in the water - sadly this wasn't the case yesterday!

It's a topsy-turvy world!

21 Mar 2012 3 5 171
I bought this little crystal ball at a car boot sale last week..........this is just a test shot, but I think it has possibilities.............


21 Mar 2012 126
Hayling Island


13 Mar 2012 1 203
You don't see a lot of this type of letter box nowadays............

Reeds, ripples and reflections

16 Mar 2012 1 150
WWT Arundel View large on black.....

Sitting on the fence!

12 Mar 2012 8 7 259
Nearly forgot it was Friday I've dragged another one out of the archives at the last minute. HFF :)

Hand Prints

7192 items in total