Portland Municipal Dam


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24 Oct 2014

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Where the Dimondale Dam Was

Michigan's Grand River was dammed at this location in 1850 by Isaac Dimond, who laid out a village around the dam, called Dimondale, in 1856 (I'm leaving out a lot of complications). Dimond build a sawmill in what's now Lions Community Park, and a grist mill in the present (and brand new) Danford Island Park. This photo was taken from Island; Lions is on the far shore of the river. After some rebuilds of the dam and both mills the village thrived as a mill town, supporting settlers and farmers in Windsor Township, southwest of Lansing. The 1880 incarnation of the dam was removed in September of 2006 and replaced with what the village and the state call a "W" weir. Who am I to argue with that description? I had a Dimondale address for about a dozen years, though I've never lived in the village. It's now pretty much a Lansing suburb, though the town seems to resist the description.

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03 Nov 2014

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Webber Dam

Everywhere I go I find the Grand River. Or something. Upstream from Lyons, Michigan.

10 Nov 2013

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The Gate

The dam in Grand Ledge. Took this photo about six years ago....
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