Masonic Temple, with Snow

Birthday to Birthday

This project began on my 65th birthday and ended on my 66th. The only plan was to take daily photographs. There's no system here, and no operating rules. I just took photographs every day and decided the next day which of those went into this album.

Gates Road Sky

27 Aug 2014 1 179
Stitched from four photographs. Roxand Township, Michigan. Gosh I love this lens!
28 Aug 2014 140
Downtown Vermontville, Michigan.

Late Summer Garden

30 Aug 2014 1 180
The Dahlias are still doing fine. Everything else, not so much.

Joan on the Phone, on the Porch

31 Aug 2014 1 178
Talking with her sister, with the little grey stray under her chair.

Time for Another Look

02 Sep 2014 2 1 218
One Sunflower . It's that sunflower I've been watching of late. The yellow's faded mostly to brown, and the blossom no longer makes any pretense of facing the sun. For the songbirds, though, it's a potential feast.

A Bench Overlooking the River

03 Sep 2014 1 219
Portland, Michigan

Got My Eye on You!

04 Sep 2014 3 2 310
Hastings, Michigan. I trust this sculpture has a name and an artist, but found no obvious sign at the site. If someone knows, please fill in the missing details. Thanks. It's Gaze II by James Oleson. Some details in the links in the comments, below. Hastings' central business district is full of sculptures, but I really don't know any details. Hastings is a town I travel through, not a town I visit--and the sculptures are downtown, which my route through town skirts.

Barn, with tanks

05 Sep 2014 1 174
Sebewa, Michigan.

The Sky at the End of Main

06 Sep 2014 173
Drove to the post office to pick up our mail and spotted this view at the end of Main Street. Back to the house, grabbed the camera, and walked back to the corner. Got it.


07 Sep 2014 3 2 203
Evening sunlight on copper....

Morning Light

08 Sep 2014 2 5 196
Light and shadow on our lawn.

A Meadow by the River

09 Sep 2014 4 2 209
The Little Thornapple , as it happens. Chester Township, Eaton County, Michigan.


10 Sep 2014 1 1 180
A side effect of feeding birds....

Abandoned Barn

11 Sep 2014 4 2 249
This barn's one of my regular photographic subjects , as is the badly-deteriorated house next door. Thought I'd see what my new camera thought of it.

Nine Sandhill Cranes

12 Sep 2014 4 2 243
South of Delton, Michigan. Actually there were more like a hundred cranes in this field. Autumn's coming, and the flocks are gathering....

Barn, with Sky

13 Sep 2014 3 216
This barn and shed are on the grounds of the Gilmore Car Museum , north of Gull Lake and west of Hickory Corners, Michigan. In my memory the farm was more farm than museum, and (as you can see) they're still farming the land which isn't part of the exhibit space.

366 items in total