Masonic Temple

365^4 (2021)

Yup, I'm trying the photo-a-day thing again. General rules: * Monochrome. Until I change my mind. * First week of month, set up as a fully manual camera. * Second week, still manual focus but the rest can be automated (usually aperture priority). * Rest of month, auto-focus and automated (aperture, usually). * So far the camera's been my Oly OM-D E-M1 II, but that might change. * January pix us…  (read more)

Masonic Temple

The Morning's News

Don't Wanna Go Outside

Barn, State Road


Tree, Saginaw Highway

A Shadowy Critter

Snow Family

Gizzard City Collectables

Four Trees

Post 175

This Old House

The Snow Came Back!

Berries on Burning Bush

Stuck Inside

Strange School

115 items in total