Beach Donkeys at Whitby, North Yorkshire

Animals, wild, domestic and in captivity

20 Jun 1982

2 favorites


276 visits

Tiger - London Zoo 1982

A bit too much subject movement in the head - pity .... Mamiya C220 medium format TLR film camera, Mamiya-Sekor 250mm f6.3 lens. Kodak 400 ISO colour film negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F flatbed.

25 May 1980

3 favorites


252 visits

Rhinoceros at London Zoo, May 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

4 favorites


240 visits

Rhinoceros licking a stone. London Zoo, May 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

2 favorites


241 visits

Toucan taken through the wires - London Zoo, 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

4 favorites


317 visits

Peacock, London Zoo, 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

1 favorite


284 visits

Unlucky Rabbit's Foot!

A fundamental mistake - over-compensated for the parallax error on a twin lens reflex camera! May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

2 favorites


414 visits

Female African Elephant, London Zoo, 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

2 favorites


268 visits

Male African Elephant, London Zoo, 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

25 May 1980

4 favorites


275 visits

Polar Bear, London Zoo, 1980

May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.
159 items in total