Calm sea at evening on the Solent

South East Coast of England, 2023

14 Jun 2023

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The E W Pugin bust at Granville House

At Ramsgate, Kent, England. A bust of Edward Welby Pugin stands before the building, formerly known as the Granville Hotel, that he designed. A W Pugin was the son of Augustus Pugin (famed for the Palace of Westminster interior and the Big Ben clock tower in London).

14 Jun 2023

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73 visits

Telephone Cable in Kent

Between Ramsgate and Broadstairs, Kent, England.

14 Jun 2023

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55 visits

Victorian Clock at Broadstairs, Kent

Broadstairs is a popular British coastal holiday town. It developed in Victorian days and the novelist Charles Dickens found inspiration for some of his books there.

14 Jun 2023

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67 visits

Seagull Lift

At Ramsgate, Kent, England.

14 Jun 2023

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53 visits

Five minutes, forty-one seconds

Not to be confused with the music called "Four minutes, thirty-three seconds" by the composer John Cage (1912 - 1992). This is Ramsgate, Kent in the UK. The inscription on the old harbour clock tower informs residents that the 'proper' Ramsgate time is 5 minutes and 41 seconds before the time shown on the clock. The clock shows Greenwich Meantime. This was established as a universal standard in the UK in 1840s. Before that, various areas had their own time - and some were reluctant to fully embrace the change.

14 Jun 2023

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63 visits

Can you help save the Cervia?

"Cervia is a large and important survivor; full of character and the only ‘deep sea’ steam tug built for international operation remaining in the UK." It has been under threat of being scrapped for some years and is presently in dry dock at Ramsgate's old harbour. At 77 years old, the cost of restoration and repair would be significant.

15 Jun 2023

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58 visits

Rusty engine on the beach, with flowers

On the Deal/Walmer beach in Kent, England

15 Jun 2023

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84 visits

Off-pier fishing at Deal, Kent, England

Fisherman on the pier at Deal in Kent.

16 Jun 2023

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60 visits

Domestic house and garden, Ramsgate, Kent, UK

22 items in total