JayOh (John Owles)'s photos

Ducks On The Lochan

02 Aug 2013 268
Handa Island

Ducks On The Lochan

02 Aug 2013 206
Handa Island, Tarbet

Rare Sighting Of An Otter

02 Aug 2013 196
Handa island, Tarbet

Rare Sighting Of An Otter

02 Aug 2013 211
Handa Island, Tarbet

Rock Pool - Natures Art

02 Aug 2013 197

Rock Pool - Natures Art

02 Aug 2013 210

Ruins Of Settlement - Handa Island

02 Aug 2013 255

P0024833 -1

02 Aug 2013 185

Fascination and Curiosity in Everything

02 Aug 2013 289


02 Aug 2013 1 1 242


02 Aug 2013 364

Burn Waterfall - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 1 1 327
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

Burn Waterfall - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 1 2 256
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

Burn Waterfall - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 1 1 347
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

Burn Waterfall - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 1 1 347
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

Burn Waterfall - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 1 2 293
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

Ardvreck Castle - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 2 1 296
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

Ardvreck Castle - Loch Assynt

01 Aug 2013 2 1 191
We arrived at Loch Assynt on a dim, dark, mizzly evening where only the midges and a few brave souls were out and about. Every now and again the weather brightened slightly before returning to dimness. So we made the best of it, had dinner and moved on to Tarbet.

470 photos in total