
Bug Off!

Insects, arachnids and all kinds of creepy crawlies.

10 Jan 2013

109 visits

strange invaders

Earlier this fall, my house was besieged by lady bugs and despite my best efforts to vacuum, sweep, crush and drown them out, at least two dozen still remain.

08 Sep 2012

76 visits

dew and gossamer

06 Aug 2012

70 visits

naught but a shell

28 Jul 2012

75 visits


27 Jul 2012

65 visits

22 Jul 2012

69 visits

Common Whitetail - uncommonly striking

10 Jun 2012

48 visits

10 Jun 2012

98 visits

30 May 2012

53 visits

bitty brown butterfly buzzes buttercup

film at 11
249 items in total