flowers to match the graffiti

canalside wall

canalside clematis

27 Apr 2017 1 96
Lucy's wall at Walton Well, Jericho

Lucy's canalside wall plants

Lucy's creepers doing nicely

30 Sep 2016 173
canalside wall at Jericho

spring foliage on canalside wall

21 May 2018 26
Jericho, Oxford

flowers to match the graffiti

clematis on the canalside wall

and we can't see the bricks...

21 May 2018 81
when the wall is daubed with slogans

honesty flower

20 Apr 2020 1 30
Lunaria annua

creeper on a brick wall

10 Sep 2011 5
Virginia Creeper

CRT doesn't do pretty

11 May 2020 34
Canal & River Trust eyesore new signpost

28 items in total