Hervé S.'s photos

architecture baroque, Savona

charbon rouge zoom

04 Mar 2017 6 3 189
there is just zero extra info compared to the previous one (or the next at right if you see them in line ;-) It's just a zoom because the other one is very big...

charbon rouge

arbre jardin du Musée Montmartre

grande serre du Jardin des plantes

19 Feb 2017 8 5 247
ambiance was quite mysterious in the shadow -then a ray of sun

magasin de thé Mariage, Paris

What was it again? ;-)

plafond restaurant de la Mosquée de Paris, éclai…

escaliers station métro Pyrénées

19 Feb 2017 1 1 151
in some stations you can definitely CLIMB (there is a lift, too)

grille, Théoule sur mer

Fille de l'air afro

L'homme au chapeau, Markus Raetz

Menton city, France

statue, jardin musée des beaux-arts, Menton

04 Feb 2017 3 2 151
(Menton is a city on the seashore, south of France, where incredibly flowers are blooming at this moment, while 50Km away everything is still frozen cold... This was within a Lemon garden, with actual lemon-packed trees in the background...)

1210 items in total