Walgreens 110 Film

Walgreens Film

This was the storebrand film for the Walgreens chain of pharmacies. I picked up some of it in 110 format that was expired from an online friend. I thought it was pretty good film.

Elliefest 110 #2

22 Aug 2013 331
Shots taken with my little Mini Shot 110 Compact camera at Elliefest, held on June 25th 2011. This game involved two kids who use pugil sticks to try and knock the other off their pedestal. The last one left standing is the winner. Camera: Mini Shot 110 Compact Film: Walgreens 200 ISO 110 film (Expired on January 2009) Date: June 25th, 2011, 12.52 p.m. Location: Downtown Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Elliefest 110 18ff

Elliefest 110 #4

22 Aug 2013 1 326
Another shot taken with my little Mini Shot 110 Compact camera at Elliefest, held on June 25th 2011. This is the back of one of the buildings that lines Main Street. It should be noted that the camera that took this shot is barely bigger than a 110 cartridge. The results weren't too bad, considering. Camera: Mini Shot 110 Compact Film: Walgreens 200 ISO 110 film (Expired on January 2009) Date: June 25th, 2011, 12.54 p.m. Location: Downtown Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Elliefest 110 19df

20 items in total