John FitzGerald's photos

Pas de Trois

23 Jun 2013 9 13 334
Another view of "Pas de Trois" by Russell K. Jacques. A link to yesterday's shot is in the comments below.

Pas de Trois

26 Jul 2017 14 23 304
"Pas de Trois", by Russell K. Jacques (1984), Univerity and Wellington, Toronto. There is a link to another view in the comments below.

Happy Fence Friday

21 Jul 2017 11 18 355
Another one I think looks more interesting big, but again that could just be me.


02 Jul 2017 1 4 375
Canada Day weekend in London, Ontario. I think this looks more interesting big, but maybe that's just me.
04 Oct 2016 8 18 207
I was without an internet connection for a few days, and didn't get to take many photos, anyway, so I'm posting an old one I haven't posted before.

Commerce Court, Toronto

Coatsworth Cut, Toronto

28 Jul 2013 11 15 446
Lake Ontario is out of shot to the left, and Ashbridges Bay out of shot to the right.

Summer's Eve

Installation 12

Happy Fence Friday

04 Jul 2017 13 33 392
Wellington & Church, Toronto

Commerce Court, Toronto

04 Jul 2017 11 13 249
The sculpture is by Derek Stephan Hudson. It's been on loan from the L. L. Odette Foundation for 12 years.


Installation 11

1242 photos in total