Ern Jacoby's photos

19 Jun 2020

1 favorite

81 visits

18 years ago she did this painting and hangs still around


19 Jun 2020

2 favorites

88 visits

Arttherapist on her way


19 Jun 2020

127 visits

Wo ist Doro T. ? Die Suche geht weiter!


19 Jun 2020

91 visits

Wo ist Doro T. ?

Where is Doro T.? Strange ...... an old metallic indian drum carcasse .... stories in our garden

19 Jun 2020

2 favorites

127 visits

Wo ist Doro T. ?


19 Jun 2020

5 favorites

1 comment

101 visits

Wo ist Doro T. ? Where is Doro T.? ....... she did it!


19 Jun 2020

2 favorites

86 visits

She came along ...

Where is Doro T.?

19 Jun 2020

1 favorite

80 visits

Nothing found here! It is no crime! She is alive! But where?

Police investigated .... no not burried here!

19 Jun 2020

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1 comment

159 visits

Wo ist Doro T.?

Where is Doro T. ? The virus has offered us the opportunity to imagine a different world – one in which we start decarbonising, and staying local.
193 items in total