Unterwegs - On My Journey

~*~ On My Journey ~*~ En Route ~*~ Travelling Around ~*~ Away ~*~ On My Way ~*~
13 Oct 2010 4 1 246
Die "Garage" gab's schon mal hier :-)
09 Oct 2010 1 268
The sacrilegious Dan Brown question.
09 Oct 2010 216
Etwas entzerrt, Kontrast erhöht, nachgeschäft.
09 Oct 2010 2 1 237
Fast ein s/w.
09 Oct 2010 1 254
Under the bridge.
09 Oct 2010 1 204
Die Wasserspeier sind einfach sooo genial!
22 Sep 2010 202
Another view from the outside - outside the street, outside the culture, outside this world --- I take note that most restaurants have chairs now (compared to this traditional one ) .
22 Sep 2010 3 2 383
This one doesn't show up like I want it - I show it here anyway (in the hope for precious hints and tipps for the future :-) ) While walking through some back streets one day I found this School for Kyudo. It was one of those most touching moments: A small Japanese woman with this huge bow, concentrating - full of beauty, but with an overhelming inner strengh. There is a safety net against the street, so no (good) pictures possible. I made a few anyway, just for myself. Ever since I want to go back there and ask if I may take some pictures from inside the area. I simply don't dare :-( (though they will most probably decline anyway, but then I even can't take some from the outside). A Japanese working colleague encouraged me, and even wrote me a note in Japanese, that I'm a "student of photography" (*lol*) interested in Kyudo and would like to ask for permission to take some pictures. With an email where to send them later for a permission to publicate them. I always pass there - last time too late, the school was already closed. This time there were simply too much people... *sigh* And *if* I get the permission one day I'd like to be prepared. And maybe even equipped with a better zoom so I can separate people better from the background. So this pic here stands mostly for me as a reminder - one day :-) One day I'll be brave enough, and ask. I saw nobody when I took this one - maybe they left one of the doors open just for me :-)
04 May 2010 221
View inside a traditional Tempura restaurant (one of the first who served western visitors :-) ) (pic from last time in May)
22 Sep 2010 2 4 256
Hier eine s/w-Version.
23 Sep 2010 5 3 479
In between two worlds.

256 items in total