Badly's photos

Catch 5

15 Sep 2006 91
The unfortunate cranefly is now a ready meal. The spider has returned to the centre of the web for a few minutes. Meat should be properly hung, don't you think?

Catch 4

15 Sep 2006 87
I wasn't quick enough to photograph the pounce - this is about 2 seconds after and the cranefly is well and truly trussed.

Catch 3

15 Sep 2006 79
Photo from outdoors with dark room behind. The spider is waiting for her web to twang.

Another garden spider

15 Sep 2006 88
Another Garden Spider enjoying a nutritious lunch. Notice the four holes in the top of her abdomen - I think they are spiricles that she breathes through.

Catch 2

15 Sep 2006 90
Garden Spider having a little appetizer before the main meal. (Taken from indoors)

Catch 1

15 Sep 2006 103
Cranefly on the outside of the window, dangerously near a spider's web. (Taken from indoors) I think it's a mummy-long-legs because of the pointy ovipositor at her aft end.


27 Oct 2005 264
Find location [?]

Wells Woods

Wells Woods

Wells Woods

Wells Woods

Wells Woods

Flying home

27 Oct 2005 106
Skeins of pink-footed geese flying home from work. Best viewed at large size!

Beach huts

Wells Harbour


16039 items in total