Coldwaterjohn's photos

A Place in The Sun

A new day dawns...

28 Sep 2012 121
It had better be a good one - there's about forty metres of new flower bedding to be made, ready for spring bulbs to be planted, some buddleia cuttings taken this year, and African Lilies grown from seed...

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 245
Landscape of the Old Bridge crossing the Spey at Fochabers, painted on a Spey stone, by the late Dhuie Russell Tully, most famous for her paintings of the salmon carved from wood by her husband, John Tully - they now fetch in excess of $20,000 at auction - they produced hundreds of them in their lifetime of carving and painting.

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 139
Dhofari Frankincense burner - detail

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 157
Orchid flower detail

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 178
Orchid flower detail

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 152
Orchid flower detail

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 135
Dream Catcher....

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 136
Antique Bedouin Gold Jewellery - Hands of Fatima dangle from the oblong box.

A Morning with Macro...

19 Oct 2012 137
Omani dagger (scabbard detail), the Khunjar, worn by all Omani male adults.

A morning sunbathe

12 May 2012 125
Red Partridge

A lot can happen in a week!

14 Apr 2013 98
April 7 - snow! April 14 - Sunshine!

A long and winding road 5610461174 o

A Local Carpenter with Global Ambitions

A Forres Church 5283741302 o

A flock of Scandinavian Waxwings

10 Jan 2013 148
These lovely birds appeared all of a sudden this morning, in the treetops down in the pond garden. They are winter berry-eating visitors from Scandinavia, and curiously fearless - I was able to walk right under the tree the flock was perched in, without their showing any sign of alarm...

A flock of Scandinavian Waxwings

10 Jan 2013 1 1 174
These lovely birds appeared all of a sudden this morning, in the treetops down in the pond garden. They are winter berry-eating visitors from Scandinavia, and curiously fearless - I was able to walk right under the tree the flock was perched in, without their showing any sign of alarm...

A flock of Scandinavian Waxwings

10 Jan 2013 138
These lovely birds appeared all of a sudden this morning, in the treetops down in the pond garden. They are winter berry-eating visitors from Scandinavia, and curiously fearless - I was able to walk right under the tree the flock was perched in, without their showing any sign of alarm...