Coldwaterjohn's photos

Anemones under the oaks

Anemones under the oaks

and this is called ......?

01 Apr 2011 86
Euphorbia, I think! Plant gifted by a friend several years ago, has spread like a weed!

An Old father's Abney Level

16 Jan 2011 92
The Abney level was invented by Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney (Born 24 Jul 1843 Died 3 Dec 1920) who was an English astronomer and chemist best known for his pioneering of color photography and color vision. Abney invented this instrument under the employment of the School of Military Engineering in Chatham, England in the 1870s. It is described by W. & L. E. Gurley as an English modification of the Locke hand level, noting that it gives angles of elevation and is also divided for slopes, as 1 to 2, 2 to 1, etc. Since the main tube of this instrument is square, it can be applied to any plane surface. The clinometer scale is graduated to degrees, and read by vernier to 5 minutes. This one was used for surveying, in the laying out and extension of tea estates in Sylhet in the 1920s.

Amur Leopard

Amigo saying hello.

Amaryllis Sequence

09 Feb 2013 96
Amaryllis seem to open as you watch. The initial growth of the stem is like watching a beanstalk sprout!

Amaryllis in full bloom - Day Eleven

16 Feb 2012 129
Finally there!

Amaryllis Day Twenty-Two

15 Feb 2013 89
Amaryllis Day Twenty-Two

Amaryllis Day Seventeen (2)

10 Feb 2013 127
Amaryllis Day Seventeen (2)

Amaryllis Day Seventeen (1)

10 Feb 2013 112
Amaryllis Day Seventeen (1)

Amaryllis Day Four

09 Mar 2012 123
Second blossom about to open on same bulb...

Amaryllis Day Eighteen (2)

11 Feb 2013 75
Amaryllis Day Eighteen (2)

Amaryllis Day Eighteen (1)

11 Feb 2013 115
Amaryllis Day Eighteen (1)

Amaryllis budding

12 Feb 2012 76
Using black reflector as background

Amaryllis about to flower

Amaryllis - time lapse

Amaryllis - Day Twenty-three

16 Feb 2013 104
Amaryllis - Day Twenty-three

21329 items in total