Doug Shepherd's photos

Cowslips behind the wire (HFF everyone)

10 May 2022 17 31 135
HFF 13/2/2022 The location is the site of the now partially closed Forestry England, Wykeham Nursery. Although some of the buildings are still in use, the production of sapling trees from seedlings has ceased. A small number of staff have been retained for other forestry work. I shall miss watching the process of preparing the ground, planting out the seedling and eventually gathering up the saplings for distribution to various forestry plantations around the north of England and south of Scotland.

Cowslips behind the Wire close (HFF everyone)

06 May 2022 15 20 109
HFF 13/5/2022

Coltsfoot drying before flying

08 May 2022 25 22 110
The droplets are the result of overnight dew

From my garden

04 May 2022 20 20 126
Bidens ferulifolia - slightly damp after light rain

Rural lane in Spring

06 May 2022 22 14 142
Cockmoor Road to Wykeham Forest

Lion among the forget-me-nots

06 May 2022 19 23 118
The word dandelion is a corruption of the French phrase “dent de lion,” which means “lion’s tooth” and refers to the plant’s coarse-toothed leaves. According to a Greek myth, Zeus thought he had given all the plants are name, whereupon a small blue flower shouted “forget me not!”. The supreme god decided to make life easy for himself by giving the plant that name.

A fencepost from years long past (HFF everyone)

A host, of golden cowslips (With apologies to Word…

Standing tall over the fallen

Bluebell HFF everyone

Betwixt forest and field

Freedom of the sky

Osborne Lodge Farm (HFF everyone)

22 Mar 2022 33 48 190
HFF 1/4/22 Newish fence, old buildings (circa 1800). The brickwork around the door, and the door itself, is fairly recent renovation. No longer a 'proper' farm, although the surrounding land still has a few sheep and some is also used for crops.

Stormy start to the day

31 Mar 2022 22 22 200
Thunderstorm followed by sunshine, heavy snow and hail showers, blown along by a strong north easterly wind. No lying snow however;-)

Forest spring sunlight (4 x PiPs)

24 Mar 2022 14 17 129
Wykeham Forest

Peeking through

Squirrel dining area (messy eater!)

1655 items in total