Patio Life: Common False Widow Steatoda nobilis


Folder: Wild Kingdom
Caterpillars of Moths and Butterflies

Grey Dagger Caterpillar -Front

27 Jul 2009 77
I'm not entriely sure if he emerged from the web like egg looking structure or just happens to be near it here, but he is very young, he'll grow from his current 5-8mm to 30-40mm in length before he pupates.

Odd Structure

Tiny Caterpillar

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillars

21 Jul 2009 59
Of all shapes and sizes, its difficult to appreciate from this shot the varied sizes but this one in front is about 5-7cm in length, the one in the back of this shot was about four times that size.

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar -Top

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar -Food Plant

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar -Face

Oak Eggar Moth Caterpillar Side Lt

13 Jul 2009 96
Large caterpillar which was about 3" long and 1/4" wide.

Oak Eggar Moth Caterpillar Side Rt

14 Jul 2009 65
This caterpillar is often mistaken for the Drink Moth caterpillar as it was originally by me on the day, but on closer examination you can see its very different :)

Oak Eggar Moth Caterpillar Top

14 Jul 2009 91
We put this fellow back on the bramble (a likely food plant), out of harms way on the path, after we took the photos.

Painted Lady Caterpillar 1

Painted Lady Caterpillar 2

Painted Lady Caterpillar 3

Painted Lady Caterpillar Swarm

Hebrew Character Caterpillar

01 Jul 2009 88
Another of the same caterpillar we have not ID'd properly. It looks most like the Velvetbean Caterpillar however that isn't native to the UK according to the folks at Back Garden Moths, so someone over there is raising some to adult hood. When they do we'll know what this is :) I'm happy to hear any theories anyone has on an ID :)

Vapourer Moth Caterpillar Also

24 Jun 2009 97
Another.. they remind me of the Chinese festivals with all the dress and color.

Drink Moth Caterpillar

Peacock Butterfly Caterpillars

245 items in total