Patio Life: Common False Widow Steatoda nobilis


Folder: Wild Kingdom
Caterpillars of Moths and Butterflies

Common Morman Caterpillar

13 Mar 2013 110
March trip to Stratford Butterfly Farm was Amazing!

Pale Tussock Caterpillar

11 Oct 2012 127
A friend brought this to me, he found it wandering around at a round about. He is now resting, awaiting spring in leaves on my paito :) (the caterpillar not my friend haha)

Dot Moth Caterpillar

Reed Dagger Caterpillar

22 Sep 2012 102
Always nice to see evidence of this Nationally Scarce species of moth.

Oak Eggar Caterpillar

19 Sep 2012 134

Eggs & Caterpillar Remnents

28 Aug 2012 117
Shells of eggs hatched.

A Caterpillar or Two Was Here

28 Aug 2012 119
typical little crunched up outer skins of caterpillars that have hatched, hung around the leaf for a bit, grew then have wandered off.

Caterpillar Building a Home

26 Aug 2012 123
Poss Lt Brown Apple Moth, there are loads this year everywhere :)

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillars

19 Aug 2012 118
Little Bristley caterpillars. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 104
Probably second or third instar about now. Taken by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 119
Can't wait to see them a bit bigger. They over winter as caterpillars, so will be releasing them somewhere more lichenie. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150.

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 94
They eat lichen or like wilted dandelion or lettuce. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Naurty! Naurty! Naurty! Caterpillar :/

14 Aug 2012 1 200
I have a lovely little Alpine Strawberry plant I've had for years, but I don't ever eat the berries, this year I've been saving the tiny things up in the freezer. This was a really nice looking double but when I went to pick it, surprise surprise surprise! Light Brown Apple Moth Caterpillar living inside it, liked the look and taste of it too. He does look a bit sorry doesn't he, oh well they are only

Patio Life: Light Brown Apple Moth Pupa

14 Aug 2012 134
Full of my strawberries no doubt!

Fly Faced Berry Eats Caterpillar...

12 Aug 2012 117
News @ 11

I'm Just A Stick

Vapourer Moth Caterpillar

Beside Himself

13 Jul 2012 102
Cinnabar Caterpillar changing instar.

245 items in total