tiger snake by the pond

farmyard animals & wildlife

Folder: at Boodarai - home on the farm
chooks, cattle, birds, snakes and more

bully boys

22 Sep 2011 65
Our little steers Mr T and Mr Porterhouse. Photo by (and by permission of) our Dutch WWOOFer Arend Slijkhuis during his stay with us.

Fonzie the Noble Hound

26 Sep 2011 43
Photo by (and by permission of) our Dutch WWOOFer Arend Slijkhuis during his stay with us.

Fonzie the Noble Hound

26 Sep 2011 48
Photo by (and by permission of) our Dutch WWOOFer Arend Slijkhuis during his stay with us.


26 Sep 2011 65
Photo by (and by permission of) our Dutch WWOOFer Arend Slijkhuis during his stay with us.

Zetor being gorgeous

26 Sep 2011 57
Photo by (and by permission of) our Dutch WWOOFer Arend Slijkhuis during his stay with us.

bucket of ducklings

02 Oct 2011 60
Our ducklings are three days old now. They produce so much poo that we have to completely clean out their container a few times a day. While we clean it, they wait in this container.

first goose egg

04 Oct 2011 78
One of the goosey girls (Anny) has started laying an egg a day in one of the ducks' nesting boxes. The eggs are HUGE. The brown one next to it is an average chook egg.

introducing Guus the gander

04 Oct 2011 58
We got Guus from Laura in Wonyip, who has an enormous variety of wonderful looking poultry. Our three lady geese are still sussing him out; meanwhile he stays close to them and tries to look impressive.

broody Anny

16 Oct 2011 33
One of our geese, Anny, has gone broody. She'd been laying eggs, but none could be fertile (as she didn't yet permit Guus any such pleasures) so we swapped her unfertile eggs for a dozen eggs from our Pekin ducks (who are laying, but not doing the broody bit).

Fonzie & the ducklings

16 Oct 2011 45
Fonzie just loves ducklings. He had been trying to dig his way into this pen! The ducklings are 17 days old now and still growing at an astonishing rate.

Tomás likes blonde chicks

21 Oct 2011 33
Broody hen Mama Giulia hatched 6 chicks today, with 5 more hopefuls still under her.

Mama Giulia and her chicks

23 Oct 2011 39
Mama Giulia and 4 of her 6 new chicks, four different kinds: Buff Sussex, Gold-Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Dark-Barried Plymouth Rock. Ordered 3 fertile eggs of each, 1 broke in the mail, 1 almost hatched but died in the shell, 4 did not develop at all.

Mama Giulia and her chicks

23 Oct 2011 68
Even though it's blurry, I like the way you can see Mama Giulia keeping a protective wing over her babies as she moves them across the chook house to the chick feeding area. She's such a good mother.

Mama Giulia and her six chix

26 Oct 2011 70
you can more clearly see the 4 different breeds here

Agnes in the ewe supp

26 Oct 2011 79
Agnes the lamb likes to climb into the feeder box every evening when we feed them their ewe supplement

sheep looking un-stressed

26 Oct 2011 84
our stress-and-relief training has been paying off; they've gone from sheer (shear?) terror to asking for pellets in just 6 weeks

poddy lamb

26 Oct 2011 67
Our neighbour Geoff asked if we could take a newborn motherless lamb. We said YES! Tomás and the lamb do some male bonding.

Fonzie & the poddy lamb

26 Oct 2011 35
Fonzie is always smitten by baby animals: ducklings, chicks, calves and now lambs. He stands by the newborn lamb's pen wagging his tail and whining, and growling if Coco gets too close to it. If the blanket and clothes rack (makeshift protection) are not there, he licks and nuzzles it, too. And no, he's not just cleaning it before he eats it!

523 items in total