tiger snake by the pond

farmyard animals & wildlife

Folder: at Boodarai - home on the farm
chooks, cattle, birds, snakes and more

Mr Porterhouse

15 Aug 2011 65
... has bells on now

Villa Canard and the ducks

15 Aug 2011 52
we've removed the mesh fence that was beside this. It was discouraging them from leaving the pond to graze. Now they wander more about the garden near the pond.

ducks playing on the pond

our baby bulls lose their baubles

29 Aug 2011 65
Under Daniel's supervision, Ad puts the bands around their (cute and furry) little balls. Curiously, Ad seems to have arms as long as his legs in this photo, and his nose can be seen in an unusual position as well.

our baby bulls lose their baubles

29 Aug 2011 42
Under Daniel's supervision, Ad puts the bands around their (cute and furry) little balls. Curiously, Daniel seems to have no head in this photo.

baby bulls bereft of baubles

29 Aug 2011 69
Job done, and the baby bulls - now on their way to becoming baby steers - don't seem to be bothered at all. Even when the milk ran out, they seemed unphased. A big relief!

our new sheep

04 Sep 2011 96
Perendales, from Peter Lorkin's flock. We think their names are Marilyn and Pamela. Not decided yet.

ducks in the garden

13 Sep 2011 55
they wander around the garden around the pond now, grazing and sunning themselves

ducks in the garden

13 Sep 2011 82
they wander around the garden around the pond now, grazing and sunning themselves

and then there were three

16 Sep 2011 87
After a week in a paddock, we decided to move our new girls into the old calf pen to try some stress training. On their third morning in the pen we discovered that one of them had lambed in the night!

not Mickey Mouse-Darko

17 Sep 2011 74
swallows have built a nest on top of the stupid-never-worked-properly-anyhow-solar-powered-motion-detector lights

our new geese

19 Sep 2011 1 74
the three aunties: Anny, Tiny and Betsy. Judging by their characteristics, they are all Embden x Toulouse (or maybe West of England geese?). We're now looking for a suitable gander for them.

Pamela & Agnes

19 Sep 2011 78
Pamela is proud of her baby, and Agnes has finally figured out how to find the milk without our help. (That red spot on Pammy's neck is a marker, not blood.)

directional geese

our geese discover the pond

20 Sep 2011 77
I herded them into the pond, and after the initial "hey, what do you think you're doing!" attitude, they decided it was actually very, very nice indeed. This was the first time in their lives they have ever been swimming.

geese & ducks: good mates

20 Sep 2011 1 69
to our surprise, the ducks and geese immediately got along, like old friends. They don't form one flock, but the ducks especially seem to prefer being close to the geese.

Agnes at 8 days old

24 Sep 2011 73
Out in the yard sunning herself. She's still little, but she's doing fine now.

our duckling nursery

29 Sep 2011 47
Notes on the nursery are on the photo (click on the photo, then wave the mouse over it ).

523 items in total