Boodarai's photos

koala on our decking

01 Jun 2009 83
2 - the koala starts to realise something is wrong with this tree

koala on our decking

01 Jun 2009 81
1 - this big male koala came banging on our glass dining room door; he was probably having a go at that handsome but ferocious rival koala "in our house", ie his reflection

koala on our decking

01 Jun 2009 64
9 - the koala gets into the bush by the deck and climbs down and away

koala on our decking

01 Jun 2009 46
nice bottom

koala on our decking

koala on our decking

koala on our decking

koala on our decking

purple spring jacket

30 Sep 2009 76
2009; adapted from February Lady Sweater by Pamela Wynne. My first project using an acrylic yarn (Patons Smoothie DK) and it actually feels very nice, rather like a silk blend. Yarn technology has obviously been coming along while I wasn't looking.

5 kmph driveway sign

29 Sep 2009 96
2009; porcelain tiles on frying pan

5kmph sign with driveway

28 Sep 2009 55
2009; porcelain tiles on frying pan

frog prince side

25 Sep 2009 48
ceramic tiles on concrete base, metal crown, 2009

frog prince back

25 Sep 2009 83
ceramic tiles on concrete base, metal crown, 2009

frog prince front

25 Sep 2009 41
ceramic tiles on concrete base, metal crown, 2009

frog prince

25 Sep 2009 61
ceramic tiles on concrete base, metal crown, 2009

punk duck

25 Sep 2009 78
2009, ceramic tiles on wooden base

punk duck portrait

25 Sep 2009 59
2009, ceramic tiles on wooden base

punk duck from right

25 Sep 2009 53
2009, ceramic tiles on wooden base

12370 items in total