Boodarai's photos

my first Smörgåstårta - lunch!

11 Jan 2018 235
tasted fabulous

my first Smörgåstårta - inside view of the layers

my first Smörgåstårta - dressed!

11 Jan 2018 340
Covered it all with 1:1 cream cheese and sour cream, then decorated with red capsicum, fresh dill, avocado slices in lime juice, gravlox salmon roses, cherry tomatoes, cucumber roses, mango slices, prawns and black caviar. It was like a food party on a big sandwich! I forgot to add the super thin slices of lime - the tartness is necessary to cut through so so so much creaminess.

first Tinker selfie

Mona and me - part time jobbing

30 Nov 2017 236
That's my Swedish life coach Mona on the left. And if your life coach cannot successfully perform kulning, then... get another!

scam letter through ipernity

16 Sep 2017 250
No"report message" possibility to ipernity that I could find, so I contacted them about it, but no reply

eye job - after

01 Sep 2017 241
still a but strong and over-defined, but this fades over the nest few days

eye job - after

eye job - after

eye job - prep

eye job - how does the camera work?

01 Sep 2017 174
That's Rene Checkley, my cosmetic tattooist, getting ready

eye job - before

mondo grass

02 Sep 2017 138
Planted a few little ones some years ago, and it has become quite lush. I took out lots of runners and re-potted them

mondo grass

02 Sep 2017 151
Planted a few little ones some years ago, and it has become quite lush. I took out lots of runners and re-potted them

The Secret Thirty-Five

02 Sep 2017 147
found a secret nest of chook eggs in the old duck house (not closed completely). Probably all pretty fresh, but going into the bottom of a veg bed to fertilise instead

Andres beanie arrives

Andres beanie arrives

Andres beanie arrives

12370 items in total