Boodarai's photos

Phillip Island with that Canadian

10 Nov 2016 81
koalas with hangovers at the Koala Conservation Centre

Robina's fabulous fairy house

spring chickens

08 Nov 2016 82
lots of them - these are but a few of them

Pjörk goes tunnelling

08 Nov 2016 84
the piggies' tunnelling make their paddock look like a bomb site, and they short out the electric fence by throwing soil onto it, but we would never ring our piggies' noses because they just enjoy digging so much

Pjörk goes tunnelling

Pjörk goes tunnelling

Pjörk goes tunnelling

we have keets

07 Nov 2016 86
We hatched 14 keets from 21 guinea fowl eggs. Not too bad.

we have keets

07 Nov 2016 86
We hatched 14 keets from 21 guinea fowl eggs. Not too bad.


06 Nov 2016 98
Poutine, poutine, poutine, poutiiiiiine, Please don't eat mine just because you caaaaaan. Poutine, poutine, poutine, poutiiiiiine, Chips cannot compete with you, poutine

cleaning the prosciutto

06 Nov 2016 79
Colin and Ad scrape the prosciutti in preparation for the larding stage

cleaning the prosciutto

06 Nov 2016 74
Ad scrapes off the muck in preparation for the larding stage

cleaning the prosciutto

06 Nov 2016 85
Phoenix watching Ad scrape off the muck in preparation for the larding stage

hi Hitler (it's a game)

05 Nov 2016 1 83
everyone puts a piece of electrical tape under their nose, then the first one to get the tape off (no hands) wins. I won! But Phoenix definitely won the lookalike contest

Aaron as a possum baby

05 Nov 2016 63
This is the baby sized Failynn Cowl, in possum colours for Karen's second grandchild (due later this year)... modelled by Aaron

Aaron and Colin do compost

06 Nov 2016 53
Aaron is wearing a "bunny hug" (that's Canadian for hoodie)

Phoenix's first chook

06 Nov 2016 63
Brave job. He ate it for lunch too

Phoenix learns how to dress chooks

06 Nov 2016 97
The Brennemans came for the weekend, and Phoenix seems to be going through a teenage blood phase (knives and crossbows are very interesting to him) so Ad killed and dressed a few chickens with him.

12370 items in total