First photo

Ethiopia 2010


09 Nov 2010 81
Fig roots gradually encasing a stone wall.

Fasilidas's Pool

09 Nov 2010 88
Perhaps someone left the plug out?

Rooted to the spot

09 Nov 2010 90
A fairly massive fig tree growing astride a 2m stone wall.

First Hill

10 Nov 2010 94
Doesn't look like much, but for us sea level dwellers there was quite a bit of huffing and puffing involved.


11 Nov 2010 75
Taking photos of the escarpment is tricky because of haze and N. facing shadows. There is quite a drop but fortunately also a very good path.

Jinbar Falls

11 Nov 2010 74
Must be quite a sight in the rainy season - around 500m in height.

Village Children

11 Nov 2010 98
A party of weird western trekkers provides much entertainment for the locals.

Sunset from Geech

11 Nov 2010 76
Sunset views from our camp at Geech

Mind the gap

12 Nov 2010 67
A gap in the ridge leading out to Imet Gogo top.

Where did the sun go?

12 Nov 2010 102
Looking a bit cloudy at this viewpoint between Imet Gogo and Saha

Saha view

12 Nov 2010 78
A spectacular 1000m drop off the escarpment.

Thick Billed Raven

12 Nov 2010 84
Pretty common scavengers at camp and lunch.

Thick Billed Raven x2

12 Nov 2010 60
Pretty common scavengers at camp and lunch.

Homeward bound at the end of the day

12 Nov 2010 67
...although there didn't seem to be a village for miles around.


12 Nov 2010 95
Circling our camp


12 Nov 2010 65
A chat on the way home for these youngsters charged with minding the family livestock

Kedadit Sunset

12 Nov 2010 54
Lots of dust haze means that sunsets just fade away rather than actually set below a horizon.

A sense of space

13 Nov 2010 80
Big views from atop one plateau down to another.

91 items in total