Keeping an Eye on the Harem

California 2007

Tuolumne Falls Detail

26 Jul 2007 79
From the Glen Aulin trail. Yosemite NP.

Classic Mono Lake

27 Jul 2007 111
Would have liked some better light, but not what the schedule allowed. Mono Lake, South Tufa.

Petrified Bushes?

27 Jul 2007 85
The tufa towers mingle nicely with the local flora. Mono Lake, South Tufa

Mono Lake Situation

27 Jul 2007 106
Surrounded by young mountains thrown up by this geologically active area. Mono Lake, South Tufa

Alive or Dead?

27 Jul 2007 109
Hard to tell if this plant is still alive, but some nice contrasts. Mono Lake, South Tufa.

Tufa Towers

27 Jul 2007 96
Unfortunately in fairly strong sunlight, but at least it makes the greens stand out nicely. Mono Lake, South Tufa.

Alkali Flies

27 Jul 2007 93
Something of a Mono Lake speciality - not much else can survive in this water. Mono Lake, South Tufa

Cottonwood Pack Station

28 Jul 2007 89
Cowboy art.

Horse Leather

Equine Shoe Boutique

28 Jul 2007 107
All sizes available but styles are limited! Cottonwood pack station, Horseshoe Meadow trailhead in the Inyo National Forest

Tree Texture I

28 Jul 2007 116
Weathered tree texture near Chicken Spring Lake.

Mountains that way!

28 Jul 2007 85
First glimpses of the Pacific crest mountains after starting out from the trailhead.

Touching Trees

28 Jul 2007 111
Well perhaps not quite, but the tree on the left does look a bit as if it is trying to surround the one on the right.


28 Jul 2007 117
I could have spent a long time photographing the many weathered trees that lie beyond Cottonwood Pass.

In the Mountains

29 Jul 2007 82
Trees are very nice but it is good to get into the mountains. This is looking towards The Miter from near Sky Blue Lake.

Reflected Rock

29 Jul 2007 1 1 177
Looking south from a small side pool off Sky Blue lake.

Splash of Colour

29 Jul 2007 112
Species unknown but a welcome splash of colour in among the harsh scenery. Found near the shore of an unnamed lake just south of Crabtree pass.

Having Descended the Pass

29 Jul 2007 129
A fairly steep descent from Crabtree pass just out of shot to the right leads to yet another spectacular mountain lake.

78 items in total