Allanimal's photos

Moon + Musée le Seq des Tournelles

Moon + Rouen Cathedral (7)

The Patron Saint of Pigeons

06 Mar 2009 658
Who knew (s)he hung out at the Rouen cathedral.


06 Mar 2009 430
Neon bread sign in Bihorel, France, right outside Rouen. This place has awesome food!

Is This Tower Leaning?

28 Dec 2008 1 446
Supposedly the tower is leaning, but it looks straight to me. Just look at the tree.

Pisan Bike Rack

Keith Haring Mural in Pisa

28 Dec 2008 1004
Keith Haring mural in Pisa, the last he did before he died.


28 Dec 2008 1 450
Yes, there is more than a falling tower there.

Genovan Postbox

Genovan Arches

Jeannette in a Castle

Swiss Christmas Tree

Swiss Mountain Church

Swiss Mountain Town

Nice Beach

Leaning Tower

Snowy Ramparts

98 items in total