Old and new


Within the old London city wall

25 Feb 2008

986 visits

Crest and organ

In a City Church, London.

25 Feb 2008

1 012 visits

They saved Shakespeare

John Heminge and Henry Condell were freinds of William Shakespeare who collected and published his plays in order to prevent them from being lost with the passsage of time. See: www.bl.uk/treasures/shakespeare/players.html .

25 Feb 2008

747 visits

Under a dome

A church in the City of London

25 Feb 2008

2 favorites


958 visits

Tivoli Corner

This is apparently one of the only places in the City of London where the sky may be viewed without seeing any other buildings. The view has now been spoilt by the positioning of the security camera. Tivoli Corner, Bank of England.

03 Mar 2008

4 favorites


1 249 visits

Gateway to Heaven

Church of Christchurch, Spitalfields designed by the architect Hawksmoor

25 Feb 2008

1 favorite

1 comment

1 024 visits

Guardian of the City

Symbolic of the City of London. Outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand, London.

03 Mar 2008

4 favorites


782 visits

Verde & Co

Brushfield Street near Spitalfields, London

03 Mar 2008

3 favorites


751 visits

A Gold

Shop near Spitalfield, London

03 Mar 2008

1 favorite

722 visits


Door bell on Fournier Street near to Spitalfields, London
66 items in total