Puchinpappy's photos

Spring is Coming

20 Feb 2021 18 12 169
Saturday Self-challenge: Helix

Sticky Window

15 Feb 2021 10 6 115
Macro Mondays: Something sticky. The birds leave these bits of birdseed on the window when they feed on the flat feeder suctioned to our window. It sticks on and is difficult to wash off. Since the weather has been over -40 overnight these past couple of weeks, it will not be cleaned off anytime soon. My macro lens is pressed against the window and is only the width of the window away from this stuck on residue of birdseed.

Magnetic Light

13 Feb 2021 13 9 128
Saturday Self-challenge: Something magnetic. The subject for this challenge is my Litra light suspended by its magnetic base on the side of my computer tower. I have a red filter affixed to create the effect. Dust is also magnetic so I thought, why not add some dust to the image?

Magpie with a Peanut

09 Feb 2021 27 13 142
The temperatures have been frightfully cold this week, -40. Our backyard birds need all the help and calories as they can get. Here is a magpie with a peanut I put out for him.

Catching the Sun on a Very Cold Day

07 Feb 2021 4 6 114
it is currently -27C and -17F. Overnight temperatures are going to go below -40. The sparrows have been calorie gorging today at the feeder but it is this shadow they cast on the fence that got my photographic attention today.

Swirl and Fall

02 Feb 2021 12 8 107
Saturday Self-challenge: Something thrown or falling.

Shadows on Green

Brake Cable

01 Feb 2021 14 8 136
Macro Mondays: Bicycle parts

Bottle and Reflection

30 Jan 2021 17 15 142
Saturday Self-challenge: Bottle from above with light going through the bottle.

Scones and Café Crema

25 Dec 2020 8 3 77
Home made Scones.

Jupiter and Saturn

22 Dec 2020 4 1 98
It was cloudy the night that Jupiter and Saturn conjoined. Here are the two planets the day after, Jupiter on the left with its moons and Saturn on the right. The glow from below is from city lights just after sunset. It is important to view this photo on a full screen.

Abstract Fruit

25 Jan 2021 9 7 125
Macro Mondays: Abstract Fruit Ambrosia Apple and Kiwi

Houndstooth Pleats

22 Jan 2021 27 13 150
For Saturday Self-challenge: Folds, wrinkles. Make sure your progressive lenses are on correctly before viewing.

Bougainvillea 02

Bougainvillea 01

16 Jan 2021 12 6 113
The indoor Bougainvillea is enjoying some winter sunbeams.

Suet Hunting... Awkwardly

14 Jan 2021 9 3 111
This magpie comes by daily and takes a stab at getting to the suet from underneath. He holds on for a moment but cannot sustain the attachment. It does not deter him and he is getting better at his strategy.

Frosty Leaf

11 Dec 2020 7 2 92
From my yard.

Frosty Seeds

1565 items in total