Puchinpappy's photos

Green Lacewing

16 Jun 2015 10 2 369
This little fellow seemed to be attracted to the salt on this hand.

When Your Camera Takes a Picture Without Your Know…

08 Jun 2015 3 203
The joys of a touch screen shutter.

And They will All Grow

08 Jun 2015 7 2 443
I hate dandelions but this one gave me a chance to do a macro shot.

Never Routine for our Police Officers

11 Jun 2015 237
Our city and police force found out that what we take for granted with our law enforcement was shattered this week. On a routine arrest by the Hate Crimes Unit, the man inside the house fired 50 rounds at the officers killing one and wounding another before taking his own life as the house burned to ground around him. A police officer dying in the line of duty is a rarity in our city. The last one was 25 years ago. Our city is currently lined with blue ribbons in memory of this current victim. I was taking pictures for The Sunday Challenge. This week it is taking pictures out of a moving vehicle. The officer appears to be about a routine task, but you never know what may happen. Another Link in the Chain: Street curb to street curb.

Waiting for a Bus

11 Jun 2015 11 20 484
TSC - The Sunday Challenge. Shoot out the window of a moving vehicle and see what you get. More in the notes.

Overtaking a Bus

11 Jun 2015 215
The assignment was to shoot out the window of a moving vehicle. This is one of the shots I got.

White Cane with no Sidewalk

11 Jun 2015 260
When I took this photograph out the window of the car I did not realize that he had a white cane. We found him later at the big box Home Depot store. He really got around that day. Here he is navigating his way past businesses on a main thoroughfare through our city. There were no sidewalks along this stretch which must have made his travels more difficult.

Fuel Prices Too High

11 Jun 2015 2 216
That price is based on the Canadian dollar per liter. It was in the low .80's not too long ago. Tonight the price was up 17 a liter. A dollar eleven point 4. What a yo-yo the fuel prices are these days. One of my shots for The Sunday Challenge that I did not use. Shooting out of a moving vehicle.

Church Art 2

17 Dec 2014 9 5 291
Detail of a several meter high fabric art piece at First Baptist Church, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This is one of two in this set. To see the two pieces in context please click here: fbcedmonton.ca/join-us

Icelandic Highway

18 Apr 2014 38 8 631
Taken from the front seat of the tour van.

Spinning Wheels

24 May 2015 5 1 362
Boat lifts at Pigeon Lake Blood Sweat and Tears, "Spinning Wheel" for Soundtrack to Life. www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK62tfoCmuQ

Stink Bug (2) Strutting that Showroom Shine

08 Jun 2015 7 2 326
Twice-stabbed Stink Bug: Cosmopepla lintneriana Kirkaldy

Stink Bug 1

08 Jun 2015 8 444
Twice-stabbed Stink Bug: Cosmopepla lintneriana Kirkaldy

Alberta Sunset

Snow in Venice

25 Mar 2013 288
People don't believe me when I say it snowed on us in Venice. It had calmed down by the time we checked into our hotel and went out for a walk. The bridges over the canals were very slippery and they were salted to prevent people from slipping and falling.

Unfortunately Not in My Size

22 Mar 2015 6 5 344
This one escaped Don Cherry. For those who do not know who that is click: www.google.ca/search?q=don+cherry+images&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1EODB_enCA533CA533&espv=2&biw=1680&bih=935&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cCV3VbnoFYKNNvGwg9gH&ved=0CBwQsAQ

1565 items in total