10 Feb 2018 3 125
Hull old town

Trinity market.

10 Feb 2018 1 2 140
Hull old town.

Trinity House, Hull old town.

Georgian houses, Hull old town.

Hull Minster, a resident of Hull since 1285!

10 Feb 2018 1 1 294
The largest parish church in England, a minster rather than a cathedral. Hull Minster survived heavy bombing in World War II and was used as an air raid shelter!

Hull Minster.

The extraordinarily colourful ceiling of Hull Mins…

Hull Minster from Trinity market.

Hull Minster.

Window, Hull Minster.

Land of Green Ginger - street in Hull Old town

10 Feb 2018 2 3 126
Hmmm...no one really knows why....

Hull, Old town.

Hull Minster.

Hull, Old town.

10 Feb 2018 94
To Hull and Back.

Hull, Old town.

10 Feb 2018 1 92
To Hull and Back.

Hull Maritime Museum from Princes Quay.

10 Feb 2018 9 4 235
To Hull and Back...

The Hull mermaid.

10 Feb 2018 5 2 194
A small mummified corpse of a mermaid in the Hull Maritime Museum - actually the body of a fish and a monkeys head, glass eyes and ivory teeth. To Hull and Back...

Hull Maritime Museum.

10 Feb 2018 1 1 116
Former dock offices in Queen Victoria Square. To Hull and Back...

94 items in total