Double-wide ATC "Bird & Bubblehead"

Oversize ATCs: 2017

Same medium, at double the size of a "real" Artist Trading Card. These were cross-posted to tumblr... before I realized that tumblr was the Devil and deleted everything. :P

24 Sep 2017

4 favorites

304 visits

Double-wide ATC "Bird & Bubblehead"

Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board. Actual size: about 5" x 3 1/2".

02 Oct 2017

3 favorites

319 visits

Double-tall ATC "Rose Midi"

Collage and colored pencil on board. Actual size about 3 1/2" X 5".

02 Oct 2017

2 favorites

379 visits

Double-tall ATC "S.Z.J."

Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board. Previously unposted.

16 Oct 2017

1 favorite

322 visits

Double-tall ATC "Midair"

Collage and decollage on board, with colored pencil touch-ups. Actual size about 3 1/2 X 5".

20 Oct 2017

2 favorites

314 visits

Double-tall ATC "Mid-Thought"

Collage and decollage on board, with colored pencil touch-ups. Actual size about 3 1/2 X 5". Previously unposted.

24 Oct 2017

7 favorites


354 visits

Double-wide ATC "My Little Quandary"

Collage, decollage, & colored pencil on board. Actual size about 3 1/2" X 5". Previously unposted

24 Oct 2017


588 visits

Double-tall ATC "Hi, Siss!"

Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board. Previously unposted.

24 Oct 2017

1 favorite


483 visits

Double-Wide ATC "She, Robot"

Collage on board. Actual size about: 3 1/2 X 5". Previously unposted.

24 Oct 2017

1 favorite


369 visits

Double-tall ATC "Space Monkey"

Collage and decollage on board, with colored pencil touch-ups. Previously unposted.
10 items in total