Martin M. Miles' photos


03 Jul 2008 194
.....the steeple of the church was like a tower of a castle. Not elegant, but strong...


01 Jul 2008 192
...home away from home. Dinner was served in the spacious garden...

Mt. Trecol

30 Jun 2008 145
...cold and misty...

Crossing the Rhone

27 Jun 2008 141
...offers a nice view onto a shiny nuclear power plant.....

La Côte-Saint-André

24 Jun 2008 164
...walking down towards La Côte-Saint-André. The weather changed again..... Ten minutes later heavy rain started..


20 Jun 2008 1 201
...pleasant walking conditions that day...


01 Apr 2009 147
...and after a couple of hours, the valley widened and I saw Rocamadour....


14 Aug 2008 260
......than 800 years old. One of the oldest, one of the largest, but not the most tranquil one, as next to it run the trains. When the rails were built in the 19th century, the old monastry, stood in the way of that progress and was demolished. In the last moment, at least the cloister was saved...


11 Aug 2008 212 kept raining. After having crossed the Lot via the Pont Valentré, I climbed up the steepest and most slippery track sofar. Halfway up I turned around...


10 Aug 2008 203
...after hours in pouring rain I reached Saint-Cirq-Lapopie and had the most expensive "cafe au lait" ever. It was hot and worth the money...


01 Apr 2008 165
..."the chemin" winded on the floor of a romantic chasm leading north...


01 Apr 2009 195
......over the door is a tympanum, that is so impressive, as it is so simple. Just Adam, Eve, a snake and a couple of apples...


20 Jul 2007 171
... had both seen so many visitors, that they seem to look through us. Maybe they were just depressed after all the years...


20 Jul 2007 1 175 any decent old abbey-church in the Burgundy Saint-Philibert has a crypt down below...


20 Jul 2007 175
... Saint Philibert in Tournus, seen from the cloister. One of the churches, we have visited a couple of times. We returned to Tournus not only for Saint Philibert, but as well for a superb restaurant "Aux Terrasses":


20 Jul 2007 195
....walking within the ruins of Cluny, once the most important and most influentual abbey in Europe. This church was the largest in the world (187 meter in length) , before Saint Peter was built in Rome. Demolished after the french revolution...


19 Jul 2007 191
..heavily vandalised during the Huguenot-wars. Here the pilgrims found the relics of Saint Gilles, who he had lived as a hermit in the area together with a hind sustaining him on her milk. King Wamba of the Visigoths shot an arrow at the hind - but wounded Saint Gilles. Wamba remoresful built him a monastery in 680 - and the Saint became the first abbot...


20 Jul 2007 136
....on a top floor of the church we finally found this face. Immidately I remembered this guy. I had met him somewhere before. But I had forgotten his name...

17518 items in total