Martin M. Miles' photos


01 Apr 2010 115
..well worth a visit. The well perserved church has some archaic capitels. Here is an angel...


01 Apr 2010 131
The romanesque church in Chasseradès is built on the sheer rock. It has another entrance too..

2kms before reaching La Bastide Puylaurent

01 Apr 2010 94
Finally on the other side. The two concrete foundations of the bridge are clearly vsisible - but there is no construction connecting them. Maybe a special joke for April Fool´s Day. I reached La Bastide Puylaurent very late. One hotel was closed, the other under renovation....

2kms before reaching La Bastide Puylaurent

01 Apr 2010 117
.. the weather got really bad now, but the worst thing - the trail ended on a little river, the bridge was obviously taken away. It took me neary two hours walking, to find out, that there was no other bridge upstream. The only way, to come out of the trap was to climb up to the nearby railway embankment - cross the river tiptoeing over the rails - and climb down again.

Laveyrune - Colonie L'Espoir

01 Apr 2010 413
Snowing had started again, when I passed the very long, but deserted building of the "Colonie L'Espoir Nimes" in Laveyrune...

Luc - Château

01 Apr 2010 102
The well preserved ruins of the Château de Luc. The Virgin on top of the 800 years old Donjon has an eye on les Lucois, living in the village below.


01 Apr 2010 119
Not only Le Puy en Velay has a Virgin, towering over the town! The small village of Cheylard-l'Évêque has one as well.

Near Fouzillac - Menhir Pascalou

01 Apr 2010 98
..still some frost in the shadow of the Menhir Pascalou. 1878 Stevenson stayed here a night "à la belle étoile" - under the stars. He had bad weather conditions that night..


01 Apr 2010 112
..a very modern version of Stevenson´s donkey Modestine. Seen outside a theatre (!!) in Saint-Flour-de-Mercoire...

Langogne - St. Gervais et Protais

01 Mar 2010 106
.. inside the church are some fascinating capitals. One of them shows "Luxuria", feeding the snakes.

Langogne - St. Gervais et Protais

01 Mar 2010 141
.. inside the church are some fascinating capitals. One of them shows "Luxuria", feeding the snakes.

Langogne - St. Gervais et Protais

01 Mar 2010 137
...the very interesting romanesque church, built within the 12. century, and clearly visible altered a couple of times over the time..


01 Mar 2010 116
...looking out of the window early morning. Bad surprise! It was snowing again. After a long breakfast mood and weather had improved...


01 Mar 2010 110
Actually I could not find out, why Pradelles is one of the most beautiful villages in France ("les plus beaux villages"). Maybe I was just too tired. Here is a view from the back of the (19th century) church facing south. On the right is a part of the "Lac de Naussac". A couple of minutes later it started to snow again.

Approachung Pradelles

01 Mar 2010 113
...the storm Xynthia, that hit this area end of February 2010, had done great damage to the forests in the Auvergne. The aftermath of the storm forced me to some detours..

Arquejols - the viaduct

01 Mar 2010 130
..walking down the valley - there was a gigantic railroad viaduct. Meanwhile I learned, that the "Viaduc d'Arquejols" has a height of 45m and is 209m long. Completed in 1908. So when Stevenson passed through, there were just the horses...

Arquejols - the horses

01 Mar 2010 121
Three horses near Arquejols.


01 Mar 2010 122
..had a snowshower underway, so I changed from the "Chemin Stevenson" to the "Voie Régordane", the old pilgim´s way to St. Gilles. Taking this shortcut I reached Landos via Amargiers.

17518 items in total