Dean Morley (mostly off)'s photos

12 Apr 2009

189 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar, 5th instar

This caterpillar is about 65mm long, and it still has more growing to do before it starts spinning its cocoon!

05 Apr 2009

232 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar, 4th instar

This caterpillar is about 45mm long

31 Mar 2009

466 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar 3rd instar

This third instar Japanese Oak Silkmoth larva is about 25mm long.

24 Mar 2009

351 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar

This Japanese Oak Silkmoth caterpillar is preparing to have its first moult.

21 Mar 2009

174 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar

This Japanese Oak Silkmoth larva is about 30mins old and just 6mm long

11 Mar 2009

132 visits

White crocus

Photographed at home.

28 Jun 2008

1 favorite

162 visits

Summer clouds over Newton, Suffolk, England

This just sums up to me the beauty of summer in England

12 Feb 2009

222 visits

Airborne artwork

For those of you reading this who remember "Spirograph", I think this cloud formation resembles a pattern that one may have created on that arty "game". I think the aircraft contrails also add to the image.

01 May 2008

170 visits

Cloud formation in evening light

Taken shooting towards an easterly direction, this photo taken in Newton, Suffolk, England is showing a cloud build-up that's reflecting the setting sun behind me.
8042 items in total