
Antique Cigar Boxes


26 Dec 2007 15
An homage to the Dickens character, though cigar manufacturers almost never respected trademarks and frequently ignored copyrights.


26 Dec 2007 21
Another Illinois box, with a patriotic treatment... its abundant nationalism owing in great part to the recent War with Spain of 1898.


12 Mar 2007 23
This 1880's box features an unusual label of a woman admiring herself. Vanity, it has been held, was a staple of the Victorian era.


29 Oct 2007 16
Sherwood Forest's most famous habitant makes a colorful splash on this elaborate litho.


26 Dec 2007 24
Pleasant, but bordering on smug, this particular "queen" adorns a circa 1898 box from Illinois.


29 Oct 2007 20
A coy maiden is courted by a determined suitor in this playful lithograph for El Benedicto cigars.


07 Jan 2008 25
Napoleon gets the royal treatment on this box, an enduring brand for the large New York cigar maker, Powell and Goldstein.


26 Dec 2007 21
Here is the somewhat renowned Edelweiss girl, an early advertising icon of the Chicago-based Schoenhofen Brewery.


26 Dec 2007 21
A typical late Victorian lithograph depicting one of the all-time favorite cigar label themes - pretty women.


02 Jan 2008 21
A bare-chested maiden hitches a ride atop a majestic eagle on this beautiful lithograph for La Estrella cigars. Long before Tampa became the leading center of the cigar industry in Florida, Key West boasted dozens of well-known makers.


02 Jan 2008 19
A simple, line-drawn label adorns this box from a Burlington, Iowa cigar maker. Simple labels like this one stand in direct contrast to their more elaborate, stone-lithographed counterparts popular in the day.


02 Jan 2008 22
A cache of rare, old cigar boxes were salvaged when a building containing old courthouse records from Colusa, California suffered catastrophic damage.


09 Feb 2008 163
Billy Clifford was a Vaudevillian actor from the Dayton, Ohio area. Rumor has it he was popular enough to merit his own train car, and apparently too, his own cigar brand.


13 Feb 2008 139
This is as close to a Valentine's Day cigar box as I could come!


09 Feb 2008 126
Amanita, a perfectly lovely example of cigar maiden narcissism. Fact. No. 803, 3rd District, New York, 1901 tax stamp.


09 Feb 2008 132
A finely appointed gentleman takes a leisurely break from his capitalistic endeavors. There's time enough to thwart Congress's anti-trust legislation and enjoy some fine brandy and a smooth cigar. Factory No. 695, 1st Dist. PA


09 Feb 2008 146
Truly an ethereal beauty, her place secure among the pantheon of cigar box lovelies. Factory No. 308, Dist of Wis. Arocena & Co., 768 North Water St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1926 tax stamp.


09 Feb 2008 142
Cremo is a very plentiful box, but nevertheless attractive. It has the perfect balance between fine lithography and advertising punch. Factory No. 1896, 6th Dist. MO, circa 1920's

74 items in total