tarboat's photos


26 Apr 2008 228
No longer loved and now shedding roofing sheets is this Wiltshire barn. The plate on the end reads 'F. H. Dale builder Leominster'.

Tunnel end

14 Apr 2009 247
Sadly the exploration of this tramroad tunnel ended where the land beyond the portal had been infilled. Clearly others had been here before and had left behind their milk crate and plastic drum. The paved area for the horses walking between the plate rails can still be clearly seen.

Angle change

03 Feb 2010 476
George Hargreaves & Co sank the shaft of Grimebridge Colliery in 1851 and soon after a 'ginny road' was built across the moors to transport the coal tubs to the road up the valley from Waterfoot. At the site of the Fox Hill colliery the chain hauled line became a steep incline which crossed a wooden viaduct and then passed through along tunnel to reach the staith. The line operated for at least 90 years before the coal was routed through the hill to a wharf near Old Meadows on the Bacup to Burnley road. This is the point where the ginney line changed angle and started down the incline at Fox Hill. It is now in a ruinous condition and the land around had been changed through tipping and reclamation such that the surface arrangements here are no longer clear.

Pushing back at Sandaoling

07 Dec 2009 273
Even though the temperature is below freezing there is heat distortion across the desert as two JS class locomotives take a train of empty coal wagons to the deep mines at Sandaoling.

Departing Xiamiaozi

10 Jan 2006 175
SY class locomotive leaving Xiamiaozi on the Nanpiao Coal Railway with an afternoon passenger service.

Thoresby Headstocks

05 Jun 2008 322
Heagears at UK Coal's Thoresby Colliery. On of the few collieries still operating in Britain.


03 Dec 2006 249
Afternoon sunshine on a train loading spoil in the Jalainur opencast coal mine.

Jitong crossing

18 Apr 2005 221
Typical wayside crossing on the Jitong Railway. This example is just east of Lindong and seen with typical traffic for the district.

Going, going, gone!

15 May 2007 270
Back in 2007 I posted a single shot of the demolition of the boilers and powerhouse at the Winnington works of Brunner Mond, but thought it might be fun to make a composite image showing the whole blowdown. Best viewed large.

Late in the day

11 Dec 2008 222
In the days before digital photography I doubt that this shot would have been possible. It was almost dark as the last uphill train of the day is east of Mifengyan and heading for Bagou on the Shibanxi Coal Railway.


28 Dec 2009 285
Ingersol air compressor and receiver on the Australia level at Dinorwic slate quarry.

Northbound at Consall

12 Feb 2010 217
Afternoon service crosses the Caldon Canal at Consall Forge on the Churnet Valley Railway.

Westbound freight

18 Apr 2005 166
The trans-mongolian highway was almost ready for opening in the area between Lindong and Daban when I last visited the Jitong Railway in spring 2005. Of course traffic was already using the road unofficially and this made it much easier to reach some of the formerly rather remote photospots. Here a pair of QJs plods westwards towards Chaganhada with a long freight over one of the many viaducts on this line.

Claughton Manor Brickworks ropeway

19 Apr 2008 1 1674
Angle-changing station close to the top of the Claughton brickworks aerial ropeway.

That early morning glint

01 Oct 2004 201
Early morning passenger service for Diaobingshan departs the junction station at Sanjiazi on the Tiefa Coal Railway. This was the only occasion when I successfuly caught the morning glint at this spot.

Cargo Fleet Iron Co Ltd

14 Feb 2010 381
Steel sections hand book, 1913. Many steelworks issued books similar to this, full of useful information about calculating the size of beams etc. for your project. There were usually photographs of the works and processes too. :-)

Selketalbahn reflections

04 Apr 2009 244
One of the Henschel built 0-6-0 tank locomotives heads a freight south of Gernrode on the Selkertalbahn. View On Black


24 Jan 2010 244
Quenching tower in action at the Corus South Bank Coking Plant, Redcar Steelworks.

7714 items in total