Aloe Vera / Aloe Barbadensis Miller, Blue Waters Inn, Tobago

Trinidad & Tobago, 12-21 March 2017

15 Mar 2017

96 visits

Boat trip to Little Tobago, Day 3

Yesterday, I found this video on YouTube, taken at the various places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here so that I won't forget about it later. Almost at the end of the video, it shows footage of their trip by boat to Little Tobago island, which is where my next photos were taken, with more to follow.

15 Mar 2017

111 visits

Frank's glass-bottomed boat, Tobago, Day 3

Yesterday, I found this video on YouTube, taken at the various places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here so that I won't forget about it later. Almost at the end of the video, it shows footage of their trip by boat to Little Tobago island, which is where my next photos were taken, with more to follow.

15 Mar 2017

118 visits

Rocky islands near Little Tobago, Day 3

Yesterday, I found this video on YouTube, taken at the various places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here so that I won't forget about it later. Almost at the end of the video, it shows footage of their trip by boat to Little Tobago island, which is where my next photos were taken, with more to follow.

15 Mar 2017

109 visits

Rocks on way to Little Tobago, Day 3

Yesterday, I found this video on YouTube, taken at the various places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here so that I won't forget about it later. Almost at the end of the video, it shows footage of their trip by boat to Little Tobago island, which is where my next photos were taken, with more to follow.

15 Mar 2017

118 visits

Rocky landscape near Little Tobago, Day 3

Yesterday, I found this video on YouTube, taken at the various places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here so that I won't forget about it later. Almost at the end of the video, it shows footage of their trip by boat to Little Tobago island, which is where my next photos were taken, with more to follow.

19 Mar 2017

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1 comment

240 visits

White-chested Emerald, Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad, Day 7

Yesterday, I found this video on YouTube, taken by Rigdon Currie and Trish Johnson, at many of the same places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here so that I won't forget about it later. Almost at the end of the video, it shows footage of their trip by boat to Little Tobago island, which is where my next photos were taken, with more to follow. Again, I have posted a few photos overnight, showing the beginning of our glass-bottomed boat trip from Blue Waters Inn to the small island of Little Tobago. Nothing greatly photogenic, so thought I would jump ahead again and post a Hummingbird shot, taken on Day 7, 19 March 2017, at the Asa Wright Nature Centre, on the island of Trinidad. I very rarely get a chance to see and photograph a Hummingbird where I live, but at Asa Wright, we were in Hummingbird heaven! "The white-chested emerald (Amazilia brevirostris) is a hummingbird found in eastern Venezuela, the Guianas, Trinidad and far northern Brazil (Roraima). It is a widespread and common species in Trinidad, less so in Venezuela. It appears to be a local or seasonal migrant, although its movements are not well understood. It is a bird of cultivation, woodland and forest. The female lays her eggs in a small cup nest made of plant fibre and placed on a horizontal tree branch. The white-chested emerald is approximately 9 cm long and weighs 4.7 g. The black bill is straight and fairly long, at nearly 2 cm. It has bright golden-green upperparts, becoming bronze on the tail, white underparts, and its flanks are green, or white spotted with green. The tail is tipped with purple-black. The sexes are similar. White-chested emeralds feed on nectar, usually taken from the flowers of large trees, but sometimes from smaller plants such as Heliconia. They also take small insects." From Wikipedia.

15 Mar 2017

101 visits

Brown Booby, Little Tobago trip, Day 3

15 Mar 2017

1 favorite

109 visits

Brown Booby, Little Tobago trip, Day 3

15 Mar 2017

93 visits

Cacti, Little Tobago trip, Day 3

782 items in total