Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Insects of Alberta 1

12 Apr 2009

122 visits

Streaked Ladybug

A really crummy, heavily cropped photo, but I was thrilled to find this NEW (to me) Ladybug! Thanks so much, Doug, for researching this and letting me know the ID, when I had been unable to Google and find it - Streaked Ladybug, Myzia pullata. I had picked up a very small piece of tree bark that was lying on the ground at Reader Rock Garden yesterday afternoon. After taking a few photos of the Lichen that was growing on it, I then happened to notice this unusual Ladybug crawling on the underside. Talk about being lucky! I think I have now seen about 6 or 7 different kinds of Ladybug now.

11 May 2009

129 visits

Mourning Cloak

I was SO lucky with this beautiful Mourning Cloak butterfly on Monday afternoon! It flew in a large circle in the forest at Bebo Grove and then flew to me and circled me. It did this three times, each time landing maybe five feet away with a different setting after circling around me.

11 May 2009

167 visits

Mourning Cloak

I was SO lucky with this beautiful Mourning Cloak butterfly a few days ago! It flew in a large circle in the forest at Bebo Grove and then flew to me and circled me. It did this three times, each time landing maybe five feet away with a different setting after circling around me. These butterflies tend to be found near trees.

04 Jun 2009

125 visits

Beautifully blue - Great Black Wasp

I don't yet know the ID of this small insect, but thought I'd post it in case anyone happens to know its name. I noticed it flying and landing repeatedly two days ago on a hike west of Longview, southern Alberta. The beautiful blue colour was what caught my attention : ) This is a zoomed, cropped image - was unable to get close to it : ) Later: thanks to Art (LeapFrog!) for the Great Black Wasp ID!

18 Jun 2009

114 visits


A beautiful Swallowtail butterfly that a friend pointed out to me when we were on a day-long hike yesterday. I was on the edge of a hill and so had to watch my footing. Wasn't room for me to move any further round in order to avoid the leaf that covers part of the wing. What a hike we had, in such an amazing place. Up and down hills and then through a spectacular, small canyon. I could barely move by the time I finally got home and this morning wasn't much better, LOL, but it was surely worth every minute of agony!

14 Jun 2009

216 visits

Three-banded Ladybug

I have searched and searched for the ID for this Ladybug, but have not (yet) been able to find it. Maybe it's not a Ladybug after all? It was the tiniest thing (4-5 mm) on a small piece of fallen bark at the edge of a wooded area, in Benchlands, out past Cochrane. A few of us went to botanize this land that belongs to Erik Butters - very generous of him to lead a walk for us. Amazing that I even noticed such a tiny insect in an area of fallen logs and natural debris, but I am SO glad I did. As you can see from this much enlarged shot, it really is quite beautiful. "This attractive Three-banded Ladybug is yellow during the summer of its birth. After the first hibernation, the elytra turn a deep red, and the bands are highlighted with a cream-colored halo." From People in the US are being asked to watch out for some "most wanted" ladybugs that have nearly disappeared in the United States. The three ladybugs are: 1) Coccinella novemnotata, also known as the nine-spotted ladybug or C-9; 2) Adalia bipunctata, the two-spotted ladybug; 3) C. trifasciata, the three-banded ladybug. I don't know if the Three-banded Ladybug is more common in Canada.

21 Jun 2009

168 visits

Life is a series of ups and downs

I'm not sure what this little beetle is, but I kind of liked seeing him in this side view. Seen with friends four days ago, on a walk along the upper part of Fish Creek Park, in the Evergreen Bluffs area.

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25 Jun 2009

137 visits

Quite a beauty

Saw this beautiful little hairy beetle yesterday, when I went with a handful of friends to botanize someone's property near Millarville, southwest of the city. It is an Ornate Checkered Beetle, Trichodes ornatus - thanks, Doug, I've just seen your ID!

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25 Jun 2009

231 visits

A little extra

These common wildflowers, Tall Lungwort/Languid Ladies/Bluebell - and Dangling Damsels, according to one of my friends! - seem to grow everywhere, and I occasionally stop to shoot a little hanging cluster of the blue flowers and pink buds. This time, however, I was lucky enough to spot a Ladybug (pardon the pun, LOL)! Seen on someone's property near Millarville, south west of Calgary, when we went to botanize the area.
300 items in total