Mill Foundation, Jumbo

Mining - Jumbo, Virginia Range, Nevada

Folder: Mining
Just over the Virginia Range from Virginia City and the Comstock, but the heyday of mining was 40-odd years later, in the early 20th century. Not much left at this point!

Mill Foundation, Jumbo

31 Aug 2006 112
A different mill site. This one is just downstream of the old townsite.


Mill Foundation, Jumbo District

23 Dec 2008 154
Washoe County. Not much left of Jumbo... Curiously, altho this area is only a few miles from the Comstock, there was no significant mining activity till the early 1900s.

Jumbo mill foundation

Jumbo mill foundation

Jumbo mill foundation

Mill Foundation, Jumbo

15 Feb 2009 120
Another one, farther up the canyon.


Jumbo power pole

01 Mar 2009 122
Looks like a snag, except that it's too tall and straight for the piñon/juniper in the area (note dogs at base for scale); and there's a broken crosspiece and rusty fastener by the base. And I've found additional old pole fragments in the area. Apparently the line ran power from Virginia City to the Jumbo mill. The timeframe (early 1900s) is right, as mills were being electrified around then. This is evidently the only pole that's still standing, though.

Jumbo Power Pole

01 Mar 2009 89
Another view, showing broken crosspiece on the ground.



Jumbo Mill foundation

11 Mar 2009 128
Looking west out toward Washoe Valley and the Carson Range. The main town site is about half a mile upstream, to the right.






62 items in total