IMG 8863


Folder: unsorted

20171102 125253 001

20171102 125917 001

20171102 133328 001

20171102 133340 001

20171102 133348 001

20171102 134046 001


02 Nov 2017 6 4 516
On Kumiva Flat, Pershing County, Nevada. We just _had_ to drive over and see what this anomalous spot on the playa was! The skylined peak to the left is Black Mountain, high point of the Bluewing Mtns.

Kumiva Flat

02 Nov 2017 3 2 252
Pershing County, Nevada.

20171102 134114 001

20171102 134637 001

IMG 9169

IMG 9174

IMG 9175

IMG 9183

IMG 9187

IMG 9189

IMG 9191

IMG 9194

147 items in total