Haarlem station


Folder: Netherlands
Pictures of Haarlem, the Netherlands.

Wijn – Gezellig en gezond

20 Jul 2008 166
Wine, cosy and healthy Former winery in Haarlem.

Stone from 1727 to commemorate the building of a w…

20 Jul 2008 168
"wheat attic" directly translated.


20 Jul 2008 139
Stone from 1927, designed by Theo van Reijn .

Old garage

Plumber's building

22 Jul 2008 133
Central heating, lead and zinc work.

Jilles A. Dal's Rubber stamps

22 Jul 2008 173
This advertisement is best seen from the train (Leiden–Haarlem stretch)

Fence made with the logo of the Dutch National Rai…

Former public convenience at Haarlem station

30 Jul 2008 123
Haarlem station is 100 years old this year. It is a beautiful art-deco design.

Former public convenience at Haarlem station: Reti…

30 Jul 2008 184
Retirade is a very polite word for public convenience. It comes from the French, meaning a place where you can retire. The word is hardly used anymore in Dutch.

Former public convenience at Haarlem station: Heer…

30 Jul 2008 122
Heeren means gentlemen. In the new spelling it is Heren.

Former public convenience at Haarlem station: Dame…

30 Jul 2008 118
Dames means Ladies. Notice also The Briton door closer; I like them.

Haarlem station – signature of the stained glass o…

30 Jul 2008 102
Jan Schouten lived from 1852-1937 and founded the stained-glass factory 't Prinsenhof.

Parked trains at Haarlem station

The Zuidtangent (South Tangent) at Haarlem

01 Aug 2008 108
The Zuidtangent is a name for up-market rapid bus connections between Haarlem–Schiphol–Amsterdam Zuidoost and Nieuw Vennep–Schiphol–Amsterdam Zuid. The bus runs on dedicated tracks which can be transformed into a rail connection.

Acts engine passing through Haarlem station

02 Aug 2008 96
Acts is a freight operator.

Tile tableau to celebrate the centenary of station…

04 Aug 2008 97
The tableau can be found at Haarlem station. Notice the broad shoulders and the ease at which he carries two suitcases. Nowadays there are still people who take your bags and suitcases at stations, but they generally don't give them back.

Kenau Bridge

04 Aug 2008 127
Kenau Simonsdaughter Hasselaer was the daughter of the mayor of Haarlem who during the siege led 300 women to resist the Spaniards. She was a popular hero, but her name has acquired the meaning of a bossy woman. She is best remembered in Haarlem. More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenau_Simonsdochter_Hasselaer

Diesel-electric 180 at Haarlem station

08 Aug 2008 114
These diesels were built in the 1950s, but the streamline design dates from the 1930s. There were electric versions too of this design. The streamline and the speed of the diesels caused quite a stir in the 1930s. Both the trains belong to the foundation HIJSM (Haarlem IJmuidense Spoorweg Maatschappij) .

575 items in total