Opera House error message


Folder: Away, away!

Nuclear facility, somewhere in Sydney

08 Jun 2016 3 3 346
Australia, that is. I liked the little "cabin" sticking out of the corner. Could be converted to a Tiny Home! AA287 Don't have a clue.

Jacaranda tree

04 Jan 2012 1 246
I think the one in front is a mimosa.

Boat bar

02 Nov 2012 2 1 133
Sydney, Australia.

Swimmers in the dream

Cliff, Blue Mountains

The Three Sisters

03 Nov 2012 6 11 268
Blue Mountains, Australia. An old photo. AA333 - Different Place/time.

In the Blue Mountains

Wombat lunch

05 Nov 2012 10 14 382
Sydney, Australia. The name is just as adorable as the animal!

Monitor lizard...

05 Nov 2012 17 29 255
An old shot from Sydney, Australia. This fellow was about 5-6ft. long. There are 25 subspecies of monitor lizards in Australia. This one is a Lace Monitor, Bells Phase: www.zoochat.com/community/media/lace-monitor-bells-phase.136134 The photo is from the Featherdale Zoo in Sydney, so the lizard in that page may be this exact one. Another source states, "Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA shows the lace monitor to be the closest relative (sister taxon) of the Komodo dragon..." en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lace_monitor

Fish market guide

03 Nov 2012 2 4 225
Sydney, Australia. This fish market is the second largest in the world, the largest being in Tokyo. It was a fascinating tour, which I had not really expected.

Natural sandstone wall, Sydney

02 Jan 2012 4 2 147
Along the walk to the opera house, as I recall. Sydney is built on sandstone.

From a trail in a fern forest

03 Jan 2012 2 112
A cliff in the stunning Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. I had heard of them, but never thought much about their name. I was surprised to learn that the air had a blue tinge, at least on the cloudy day I was there. It's caused by the eucalyptus oil mist in the air, which I could smell. The trees themselves were bluish-gray. A vast forest of eucalyptus, I suppose of several varieties, an unusual and beautiful place.

Rest stop, Blue Mountains

03 Jan 2012 3 4 146
Stone picnic shelter and my old buddy from our Goggle Earth Moderator days, Frank McVey. Scotsman, wicked sense of humor, and nearly unintelligible to my ears. I miss those guys a lot!

View from the Sydney Observatory

04 Jan 2012 9 6 126
A tour of the observatory for Google Earth Moderators.

68 items in total