Signs of civilization

Landscape & Nature vol. 4

Folder: Landscape and Nature

Sky in summer

12 Jun 2019 4 2 107
AA 328 - Season where I am.

A storm warning

Heat clouds and thunder

Secret garden

12 Jun 2019 1 4 172
AA292 What?

Still life


12 Jun 2019 5 2 180
"There are 70 species of hostas and over 3,000 registered varieties..." Many have only slight differences in appearance. You don't even have to be a good gardener to grow hostas!

Violets, astilbe and hosta

12 Jun 2019 7 6 261
Time to cut back a few of the gigantic hosta leaves so the astilbe will show itself.

Hosta giant

12 Jun 2019 3 2 138
Bigger every year. This is about 4.5' (1.4m) in diameter. With my little north-facing garden, there are few blooming things I can grow besides hosta and astilbe. I can't do any real gardening, anymore, so maintaining what I already have will have to do.

Poor hydrangea

12 Jun 2019 4 6 229
It's the plain-leaved one in the middle. I forgot to fertilize it late last September to give it a boost this spring. So, it's running late, but it never blooms anyway! Correction: It bloomed once. A single, 3" diameter blossom, down near the soil, pale and wan looking...I was shocked.

Vintage white

Poe Valley ranchers' signs

223 items in total