Petar Bojić's photos

Winter scenery

Yon at horizont

15 Feb 2015 40 29 1164
HFF to all from Kneževo!

If it is outside -15 ° C...

26 Feb 2018 34 20 845 it today with me, load good fire, put tea or soup to cook and enjoy watching trough the window as snow falls

Waiting for shipping

Zealous guard took the position

09 Jan 2015 30 23 1202
HFF and H.A.N.W.E.

Someone asked what Archie is doing in the snow?

Marina in Marina

Зима је најјача на Св. Саву

05 Feb 2018 21 19 763
HFF and H.A.N.W.E.

Snow and icicles

Sunset in blue

Sunset colors and silhouettes

Sunny winter day

The trails of heaven

Хљеб наш насушни

1414 items in total