Petar Bojić's photos

Winter postcard

Red rose under the first snow

Archie went through the dew


Memories of Archie do not fade

26 May 2011 42 18 281
Archie bathed by dew

IMG 20211026 155257

IMG 20211026 151804


23 Oct 2010 3 1 95
Самарица (Pack-horse)

IMG 20211026 161225

Under heavy load

IMG 20211026 152551

Hard life! Whose

A story about horses and lumberjacks

26 Oct 2021 49 29 337
Firewood is ready for winter

IMG 20211005 142857

IMG 20211028 162357

IMG 20211028 162954

Four panoramas of my place from afar, with a forgo…

In the same place exactly after 11 years

13 Nov 2021 43 25 246
November 13, 2021 November 13, 2010

1420 items in total