Tan Tee Huah's favorite photos

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By Don Sutherland

90 favorites

Total Solar Eclipse

Purkinje Effect during the 2024 total solar eclipse (Moose River/Jackman, Maine area)—April 8, 2024. Under this phenomenon, peak luminance shifts toward the blue end of the color spectrum. One can visibly see this shift at the Moon’s border. Slowly, surely, as we sat [on the summit of Pike’s Peak in Colorado] watching, the moon crept on. The light of the Sun grew pale and gray. All yellow rays seemed to fade out of it, and the face of nature and of man took on a ghastly pallor. Two or three minutes before the totality of the eclipse the whole landscape before us was bathed in this cold white light. Then the gloom began to shroud the mountain tops—peak after peak was lost in shadow, and when it reached the plain it seemed to become a solid, palpable body of darkness, rising up in a great wall—not creeping, but rushing on with might and power… The face of the Sun was veiled. The heavens were dark… —Mrs. Aubrey H. Smith’s description of the July 29, 1878 total solar eclipse More than a century later, my observation bore remarkable similarity to the above account. By 2 pm EDT, as the onset of the solar eclipse neared, all of the earlier high clouds that had made passage across the sky had vanished. The sky had become perfectly clear in all directions. A gusty breeze had increased in strength. At 2:18:55 pm, the Moon began cross the plane of the Sun and the eclipse got underway. The temperature began to fall and the wind picked up. Within a few minutes of Totality, the Sunlight grew noticeably dimmer. Totality commenced at 3:29:50 pm. It was as if one turned off a light at night, instantly plunging oneself into darkness. The gathered people immediately fell silent, creating the impression that the Sun’s light had been the source of their energy. The previously stiff breeze seemed to die off. The temperature grew noticeably cooler from the loss of solar insolation and rapid onset of strong radiational cooling. The air was stripped of its remaining warmth. Even as the crowd was connected in the experience, the reality that the Earth is little more than a speck in the seemingly endless ocean of an ever-expanding Universe became apparent. One was powerfully reminded that human society for all of its achievements and ambitions is still very small on a Cosmic scale. During the mid-afternoon darkness, celebratory fireworks were launched in the distance. Although out-of-sight, their sound reverberated across the landscape. As the total eclipse continued, it seemed that the passage of time itself had been suspended. One need not feel rushed to take in the celestial show. A giant prominence was visible near the bottom of the Moon’s shadow where its silhouette gave way to the white glow of the Sun’s corona. For 3 minutes and 26.7 seconds, the Moon eclipsed the entirety of the Sun. Once the Sun burst free from behind the retreating Moon’s shadow, the gathered people erupted in applause. The brief but dazzling astronomical performance would leave lifelong memories.

By zumishi

6 favorites


Leica llla, Canon 50mm f1.8, yellow filter, Kentmere PAN 100 developed in Microfine, Epson GT-X830. 1/200, f/5.6.

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By Jaap van 't Veen

58 favorites

Nederland - Vorden, Watermolen Hackfort

The Watermolen Hackfort (Hackfort Watermill) is located on the estate Hackfort , close to the castle of the same name. The undershot watermill was first mentioned in the year 1442, while the current square stone building was built around 1700. The mill is equipped with a water wheel with blades and is powered by water from the Hackfortse Beek. The water wheel drives millstones to grind grain. The water mill also supplies electricity to the electricity network. In 1952 the mill was shut down due to the poor condition of the wheel and building. At that time the stream also contained too little water to power the mill. In 1981, the estate (with castle and mill) came into the hands of the Natuurmonumenten (a Dutch society for preservation of nature monuments) and was refurbished. After the water board had ensured that sufficient water flowed through the Hackfortse Beek, a new water wheel was installed in 1998. Since that moment the mill has been in use. Volunteer millers are sawing wood and grinding grain for cattle feed on hydropower. On Saturdays and on special occasions the mill is open to visitors.

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By aNNa schramm

58 favorites


Nach einem schönen Tag am Chiemsee, dann zog um 16:00h die große Wolke mit dem Sahara-Sand heran. Es wurde gelb und dunkel und windig ...

By Malik Raoulda

51 favorites

Sur le canal de Lille..HFF.

By Jean-louis Thiaudiere

32 favorites

Fleurs d'érable pourpre.

By Jean-luc Drouin

29 favorites

Le feu est éteint, on remballe

Fort-Dauphin (Madagascar) - Dans le cadre de l'exercice incendie, les pompiers malgaches ont rapidement maîtrisé le feu. Une demi-heure plus tard, il est totalement éteint et l'adjudant donne l'ordre de remballer le matériel. Je vais arrêter là ma série sur l'exercice incendie. je ne mets cependant pas un terme sur ce sujet en continuant à publier quelques jours encore des photos du reportage que j'ai réalisé en suivant ces soldats du feu pendant une petite semaine. Ce reportage, je voulais le faire depuis 2019. J'avais les autorisations de la mairie et des militaires, mais il ne se passait pas grand chose et à l'époque, je trouvais plus intéressant d'aller visiter les villages de brousse environnants. Cette fois, grâce au nouveau commandant de la caserne (un jeune et brillant capitaine de 32 ans) et surtout aux deux formateurs français très expérimentés qui étaient les vrais patrons de la caserne, j'étais systématiquement averti par téléphone des opérations qui se préparaient. Je n'avais même pas besoin d'aller à la caserne qui se trouvait pourtant à proximité de mon hôtel, les officiers passaient directement me prendre dans leur véhicule. De telles conditions de reportage, j'en redemande.

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By Xata

30 favorites

Papaver Rhoeas, Castelhanos, Calima days...

ON PIP, PAPAVER HYBRIDUM, clic below to go to its page PAPAVER DUBIUM, clic below to go to its page

By zumishi

5 favorites


Minolta X-700, MD 50mm f1.7, yellow filter, Kentmere PAN 100 developed in Super Prodol, Epson GT-X830. 1/125, f/5.6.
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